Friday, September 26, 2008

Old posts from (part 23)

20th June 2007 - 11:38:01 AM
83328 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, I know that you lost 30 pounds on Celebrity Fit Club, but you still looked fat to me even on the last day. So how exactly did you manage to lose 13 pounds over the two weeks leading up to the season finale? Is it true that you used one of those colonics that you like to write about to drain 13 pounds of Belding's semen out of your brownpipe?

19th June 2007 - 01:34:08 PM
83249 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, you need to update your resume:

Your resume lists several "Special Skills," including: Chess Expert, Professional Wrestler, Drivers License, Professional Musician, and Martial Arts Expert. It's unclear to me as to why the mere possession of a Driver's License is a "special skill." You also list yourself as a co-star of the movies Dickie Roberts and Made even though you had less than one minute of screen time in both!

19th June 2007 - 12:03:14 PM
83244 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, what kind of robot to you prefer to have sex with (as the catcher, of course)? Do you like the super-masculine clunky type, like "Robot" from the 1960s TV show Lost In Space? Or do you prefer the effeminate wimpy robot type, such as C3P0 from Star Wars? I suppose that Kevin the Robot is one of the more masculine robots, although I would bet that he would be gentler on your brownpipe than the Lost In Space Robot.

18th June 2007 - 06:36:59 PM
83143 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, did Belding ever sneak into your bedroom at night for some hot and sweaty unprotected buttsex? If so, dod Kevin the Robot stand guard in your room to warn you if Mrs. Powers was within earshot? Is it true that Belding ate some Taco Bell before sneaking into your room and into your bed one night and then pulled the sheets on your bed over both your head? Did he then take off his skidmark-encrusted Fruit of the Loom underwear and Wrangler jeans with the 44-inch waist? Is it true that he told you that he had hidden a half dollar coin near the foot of the bed and you crawled down to the area near Belding's feet to look for it? Is it further true that Kevin the Robot rolled over and held the sheets down over you while Belding gave you a "dutch ove," ripping several nasty Taco Bell-fueled farts that you inhaled because the air was trapped under the sheets when Kevin held them down? I heard that you passed out from the methane smell and when you woke up Belding was nowhere to be found, but you quickly discovered that Belding had lodged your Garfield phone in your brownpipe and taken a shit in your Converse All-Stars brand hi-top sneakers. Is that true?

18th June 2007 - 04:38:24 PM
83131 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, thanks for deleting spam recently. Your guestbook kicks major ass again. It hasn't been this good since 2003 or 2004!

- Kurt Steinberg

13th June 2007 - 10:49:09 AM
82581 : Kurt steinberg
Max Wright is correct. The whole alleged domain dispute over that took place a few years ago was nothing more than a big publicity stunt. Dustin is kind of like an Internet-based "performance artist." Mainstream people might not understand, but Dustin works in mysterious ways.

Dustin Diamond and Max Goldberg are the same person! "Dustin Diamond" is merely the stage name for Max Goldberg. I read somewhere that someone in the Screen Actor's Guild had already claimed the name "Max Goldberg," and so Max chose to act under the name "Dustin Diamond." Come on, that name "Dustin Diamond" sure sounds made up when you think about it, doesn't it?

12th June 2007 - 12:21:13 AM
82531 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey chubbs, why are you such a complete dickhead? Everyone who has ever watched, acted on, or even heard of Saved By The Bell and Celebrity Fit Club hates you! Man, you are a loser. You're also a complete pussy - each other women and Ant would have trounced you in the BMX bike race.

10th June 2007 - 11:31:35 PM
82495 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, I think you would perform better on Celebrity Fit Club if you didn't walk up to the scale each time with a butt load of Belding's semen. Think about that next time.

By the way, why are you such an obnoxious shithead? Have you ever had any real friends? Man, do you suck. It's no wonder that the only women who like you are tubbos with no other options.

08th June 2007 - 09:57:17 AM
82421 : Kurt Steinberg
Peussie, why do you continue to post here? Everyone hates you and your stupid posts! Go back to listening to your queer opera CDs and jerking off and leave diamond's fans alone.

07th June 2007 - 05:07:39 PM
82409 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey chubbs, remember when you claimed that the Celebrity Fit club scale was broken and Dr. Ian Smith called you out for doing so? That was the same episode where you kept farting during the kayak race, without even caring that teh cameraman was recording the disgusting sounds eminating from your brownpipe. I think it would have been funny if you ripped another loud and nasty fart after hearing your weight. Perhaps you could have claimed that you lost weight after farting? In lieu of an actual fart, I also think it would have been funny if the producers had editted in some fart noises to make it seem as though you had some kind of intestinal issues that day!

05th June 2007 - 01:19:59 AM
82371 : Kurt Steinberg
Peussie, are you Robery McFerrin or Robert Moran?

05th June 2007 - 01:14:52 AM
82370 : Kurt Steinberg
Peussie, now I am really confused. Are you Robert McFerrin or are you composer Robert Moran? I'm beginning to suspect the you have a multiple personality disorder.

05th June 2007 - 12:39:57 AM
82368 : Kurt Steinberg
Princess Peussie, you really did it this time. Pissing me off was a mistake. You there's a reason why moronic dipshits like you work for people like me.

Princess Peussie's real name is "Robert McFerrin." He was born in 1950 and either currently lives or used to live at:
8520 Hagys Mill Road
Philadelphia, PA 19128

Here is a map of that address:

Man, you are one dumb piece of shit! And how pathetic is it that a 57-year-old man posts on a Dustin Diamond website?

05th June 2007 - 12:09:20 AM
82367 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey assfuck (a.k.a. Princess Peussie), quit posting under my name! What is your fucking problem? Your posts aren't even funny, FAGGOT! Is your real name really Marcus Holly? Why do you suck so much cock, dipshit? I hope you accidently stumble across a Milos-only party filled by militant Milos - those faggots will fuck you up with their sharped mop handles!

04th June 2007 - 05:54:37 PM
82361 : Kurt Steinberg
Peussie, you are a demented HIV+ LOSER! And is not email address. You should leave immediately and never return. You do meet one of the prerequisites for posting here, given that you are a raging homosexual. However, your posts are not evenly remotely funny or homoerotic. Having to manually scroll down past your pointless posts while my pants are off and I am cracking one off in my office at work is quite cumbersome! You should leave Diamond's guestbook and instead post here:

04th June 2007 - 04:03:28 PM
82355 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey assfuck (Pricess Peussie), I'm amazed that you have not yet succumbed to the dealdy AIDS virus. Get out of here, shithead - NOBODY likes your dumb ass! Remember all of those "remember when..." stories where you got your ass kicked and were raped by a bunch of horny and STD-ridden dudes? I'll bet that stuff really did happen to you in real life and you liked it!

01st June 2007 - 12:53:21 AM
82278 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, why won't there be a new Celebrity Fit Club episode this Sunday? I demand that you do something stupid to firther embarass yourself so that I can get in a good spanking session!

30th May 2007 - 02:13:12 PM
82246 : Kurt Steinberg
Here's a picture of Max Goldberg:

Max certainly looks like a certain former child star, does he. Is this a coincidence? I think not!

30th May 2007 - 01:45:12 PM
82243 : Kurt Stienberg
D (message 82240), you are way off. Dustin Diamond is kind of like an Internet-based "performance artist" and he does some strange things here as part of a "public commentary" on celebrity status. Mainstream people might not understand, but Dustin works in mysterious ways.

Dustin Diamond and Max Goldberg are actually the same person! "Dustin Diamond" is merely the stage name for Max Goldberg. I read somewhere that someone in the Screen Actor's Guild had already claimed the name "Max Goldberg," and so Max chose to act under the name "Dustin Diamond." Come on, that name "Dustin Diamond" sure sounds made up when you think about it, doesn't it? Max probably had a good chuckle when he came up with the name "Dustin Diamond" - it almost sounds like a porn name or something!

28th May 2007 - 08:24:55 PM
82194 : Kurt Steinberg
Screech, there are only 8 episodes of Celebrity Fit Club and as far as I can tell, you only needed to meet about 16 days out of a total of about 100 days to film for the show. Why were you such a total dickhead? It's not like you were even hanging around with those people all of the time. Were you in withdrawal because Belding's semen wasn't deposited in your colon during the days you were taping?

28th May 2007 - 05:36:15 PM
82186 : Kurt Steinberg
JewveBeenFramed, I think that the rules are somewhat ambiguous on this issue. I believe that non-homosexual posts are allowed, provided they are anti-Dustin Diamond. The site admin can correct me if I am wrong about this.

28th May 2007 - 05:30:20 PM
82185 : Kurt Steinberg
The real Gwando is a raging homosexual, just like the rest of us queers! Gwando wrote:

" 19th November 2003 - 02:57:48 AM
5785 : Gwando
'Remember When' guy, nothing gets me more aroused than sweaty man on man wrestling.
I would like to have Diamond wear a tight pink leotard and smear himself in baby oil. I would chase him around for a while, but his thin greasy body would keep slipping from my grasps.
Eventually i would throw him to the floor, tear off his leotard and unsheath my rod, which i would insert into him, and rapidly lose the mother of all loads in his colon!
After a brief rest, i would take a dump on his chest and throw him out into the street!"

28th May 2007 - 01:12:33 PM
82179 : Kurt Steinberg
Gwando (82178), are you the same Gwando who used to post here a few years ago?

Another Post From Dustin Diamond at

Here is a post I found over in the guestbook at I wonder whether this is an actual post from the real Dustin Diamond...

01st June 2007 - 10:05:34 PM
82295 : The REAL Dustin Diamond, no bullshit
Hey guys. Listen, I'm going to lay it right on the line for ya: I need my asshole filled and I need it filled NOW. No questions asked. Yeah that's right, the D-man is a straight-up cock craver.

So, if you are studly guy with 10 inches plus and you are in the Port Washington area, stop by my house any time (all the locals know which house is mine, just ask someone), knock on the door 3 TIMES and shout the magic word ZOINKS through the mail slot. Then insert your erect penis into the mail slot so that I may gauge your length and girth. If it is agreeable I shall gently lick the head, at which point you may withdraw and then wait for 5 minutes to give me a chance to change into my assless zubaz and to create the right atmos. Then I'll let you in.

I am willing to pay precisely 20 DOLLARS for this service, no more. Any takers?

Trust the dust,


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dustin's Son, Zoinks Diamond

Dustin Diamond has supposedly borne at least one son. I heard that Mr. Belding deposited his potent seed in Diamond's butthole and impregnated Diamond with a butt-baby. Diamond thought he was taking a shit a few months later, but his butt baby popped out! Diamond named his son Zoinks after his catchphrase on Saved By The Bell: The New Class.

Diamond and Belding never married, but Belding does have some visitation rights. Here is a picture of Belding and Zoinks Diamond. Notice how Zoinks has a curly Jew-fro, just like Dustin Diamond! Zoinks sometimes goes by his middle name, Brian.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dennis Haskins' Illegitimate Child?

According to Wikipedia, the world's most trusted source of news, Dennis Haskins (Mr. Belding) has a child named Brian. This is in addition to his other son, Dustin, who was apparently named after Dustin Diamond. I guess that Belding sure got busy during the early 1990s! I wonder whether Brian was born out of wedlock...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Important Questions for Diamond - Part II

Here are more important and serious questions for Diamond that I posted over at the Dustin Diamond Love forum over the past few years. Diamond has rudely failed to respond to any of these for unexplained reasons:

Jul 7, 2006
Diamond, I really want to eat some Taco Bell and then meet up with you behind a gas station. I'd drop trow and then shart right in your face! A shart is where I fart and little chunks of shit are also expelled out of my butthole at the same time!!! Are you interested? You must be getting so turned on thinking about this!!! Let's hook up!

Jun 26, 2006
Screech, when you were a little kid, did you enjoy the feeling you experienced when taking a huge dump? Did you have an epiphany and think to yourself "hey, if large things can go out of my ass, maybe large things can also go into my ass?" Or did you learn to enjoy the rapes at the hands of Mr. Belding in the locker room at Bayside?

Jun 12, 2006
Leaky Ass Queer, maybe Diamond uses a colostomy bag because of all of the damage caused by the anal rapes by Belding, Slater, Zack, Tuttle, Milo, and Zack's dad.

Jun 8, 2006
Diamond, would you mind if I gave you a "Dizzy Gillespie"? I'm pretty sure someone posted an explanation of that sex move here once before. Anyway, it involves me sitting on your mouth and farting. Your cheeks will then fill up with my smelly ass gas, and will look puffed up like Dizzy Gillespie's when the famous musician would play his trumpet!!! Call me soon, butt-buddy!!!!!!!!

May 29, 2006
Diamond, please set up a 24-hour web cam in your bedroom so that you can broadcast your sexual exploits to the world! I want to see how many times Mr. Belding and Mr. Tuttle donkey punch you each night! Please make the appropriate arrangements soon. Thanks buddy!!!!!

May 26, 2006
Screech, which robot was gentler on your asshole when raping you? Kevin from the original series or "Robot" from the New Class? Is it true that you had your mom throw out Kevin after you discovered that he stole your "Pac Man" and "Pitfall" Atari cartridges and traded them for a huge metal penis that he used while raping you?

May 23, 2006
Diamond, when Mr. Tuttle takes a dump in your mouth, do chew on his smelly turds for several minutes in an effort to savor the taste, or do you gobble it down right away? Please get back to me soon, buddy, as this is an important and serious question.

May 16, 2006
Diamond, is it true that you like to gargle with a mouthful of semen after you wake up in the morning? Since Diamond never answers these questions, do any of the other queers who post here know if this is true? Please get back to me soon. Thanks guys!

May 15, 2006
Diamond, is it true that when you were a child Belding was having an affair with Mrs. Powers? Is it also true that Belding used to shit in your play sandbox and you would play with it and make various objects out of it as though his feces were Play-Doh or some kind of clay? When you arrived at Bayside and Belding made you roll around Tuttle's and his own poo, did that bring back any pleasant memories from your childhood? Do you still think about Belding's smelly excrement when you jerk off? Please get back to me soon, buddy!

May 2, 2006
Diamond I have an important and serious question for you and I would appreciate a prompt response. Specifically, which holds more semen - your butthole or your mouth? Please get back to me soon!

Apr 19, 2006
Screech, do you think you'd mind if Mr. Dewey were to intentionally infect you with Bubonic Plague? Is it cool with you if he lets infected rats nip at your limbs and then lodges them, one at a time, up your poop chute? This is a serious and important question. Let me know soon! Thanks.

Apr 16, 2006
Diamond, is it true that every Friday and Saturday night you head over to an outhouse at the local state park where you built your own "shit" gloryhole? Is it true that random dudes who you've never even met before form a line 30+ people deep and each take turns shitting in the outhouse? Is it also true that you lay down 15 inches below the toilet seat so that when the shit leaves their assholes it lands directly in your mouth and on your face? Is it further true that you contracted typhoid from this practice? Please get back to me soon - I'm dying to know.

Has anyone else heard rumors about this? Let me know. Thanks, fellow faggots.

Apr 13, 2006
Hey Diamond, what are you going to do when people think of you more as a queer icon than a former child star? Do you think you'll star in some gay porn with Mr. Belding? Please provide a quick answer as this is a simple but important and serious question.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Important Questions for Diamond - Part I

I have written some important and serious questions for Diamond over at the Dustin Diamond Love forum over the past few years, but Diamond has yet to respond to any of these for some unexplained reason:

Posted: Apr 10, 2006
Diamond, is it true that for your 22nd birthday, Belding and you took a tour of San Francisco? Is it also true that Belding would force you into public restroom stalls and then tore off your Zubaz and buttslammed you while making you lick the various HIV+ juices off the toilet seats which hadn't been cleaned for about 15 years?

You haven't been good at answering the questions in this message thread, so I must humbly request that you show some respect for your queer fans by getting back to me quickly.

In case Diamond doesn't get back to me, do any of the other queers who post here know if these allegations are true? I'm dying to know!

Posted: Apr 3, 2006
Diamond, my balls are full of sperm. Let's meet up at a gas station bathroom stall immediately so that you can drain my balls for me! Are you up for that? Thanks buddy!

Posted: Mar 27 2006
Screech, I have a question about the times when Rod Belding visited Bayside. Specifically, did Rod ever give you a reach-around when he pounded his schlong into your ass? Also, did you ever tell him it was ok with you if he ass-slammed you (I would bet that the answer is "no" - that would have taken the fun out of it for Rod)?

Posted: Mar 7, 2006
Diamond, is it true that Belding used to carve swastikas into your queer hairless chest while assraping you?

Posted: Mar 6, 2006
Diamond, is it true that you, Belding, and Tuttle are going to star in a made-for-adult-tv movie, "Brokeback Bayside"???

Posted: Mar 6, 2006
Diamond, is it cool with you if I pick you up after one of your shows and drive you over to a spa? Would you mind if we sat naked in the spa I tied you up with rope so you couldn't get up and leave? Is it also cool if I unleashed an enormous shit in the spa and then got out of the spa and wiped my ass clean with your jew-fro leaving you alone by yourself to sit with my watery waste? Please get back to me soon!

Posted: Feb 22 2006
Diamond, is it true that Mrs. Powers had an affair with Mr. Belding while she was pregnant with you, Screech? Is it also true that the first time you saw Belding's penis was when you were in Mrs. Powers' womb and he had rough sex with her? Is it true that his massive principal schlong almost poked out your eye when you were a tiny growing fetus? Is it true that he trusted himself so forcefully into Mrs. Powers that your fetus self was twisted completely around and Belding splattered his load all over your fetus body? Is it true that the contact between your tiny fetus head and Belding's potent jism somehow caused a mutation in your DNA that resulted in pubic hair growing on your head, eventually resulting in your trademark jew-fro? Please get back to me and let me know what happened.

Posted: Feb 21, 2006
Diamond is it cool with you if we play a queer "fireman" game together? I envision drinking a gallon of Mountain Dew and pretending that your huge gonzo nose is on fire. I will also pretend that my penis is a fire hose and put out the imaginary fire on your nose with my piss. Are you interested? I hope you're thirsty (for my piss)!!! We can also light your nose on fire with a blowtorch if you think that will make things more realistic.

Posted: Feb 13, 2006
Diamond, is it true that the Kennedy family used to pass you around as a gay sex toy? Is it true that Ted Kennedy used to get piss drunk, eat some Taco Bell, and then unleash a drunken spray of smelly diarrhea all over your face and jew-fro? Is it also true that were were under John F. Kennedy Jr.'s desk sucking him off all of those times that he failed the NY Bar exam, and that he was butt-slamming you right before his plane crashed down in 1999 and that you narrowly cheated death by jumping out at the last second with a parichute? Is it also true that you were bare-ass naked as you parachuted to the ground and suffered a painful burning on your skin due to the air resistance and that you punctured your hairless nut-sack when you landed in a tree with pointy branches?

Posted: Feb 7, 2006
Diamond, is it true that when Belding took you, Slater, Zack, and Mr. Tuttle to the L.A. Zoo you were really looking forward to seeing the giant sea turtle? Is it also true that Slater told you he had a "turtlehead" in his pants? Is it true that he then pulled down his pants and showed you the shit-turtlehead sticking out of his butthole and then made you eat it?

Posted: Jan 24, 2006
Diamond, where does Belding rest his lit doobie when he's ass-raping you? Does he stick it in your jew-fro?

Posted: Jan 6, 2006
Diamond, is it cool with you if I take a huge Taco Bell shit in a bag of little chocolate donuts and then make you eat all of the shit-covered donuts while jagging you in the ass with a baseball bat?

Posted: Jan 4, 2006
Diamond, is it cool with you if I have sweaty unprotected buttsex with some random dude at a rest stop "gloryhole" and then drive over to your place and make you lick that dude's shit off my cock? This is a very serious question and I would greatly appreciate your prompt response.

Posted: Jan 3, 2006
Screech, remember when you contracted all of those STDs from Belding, Tuttle, Dewey, James the Actor, Max, Slater, and Zack's dad from all of the times that they ass-raped you against your will? Does it bother you knowing that that none of them ever gave you a reach-around while defiling you? Does it piss you off that your mom, Mrs. Powers, never believed you when you told her that you were a victim of homosexual rape because she just assumed that you were a flaming queer? Please contact me to discuss.

Posted: Dec 19, 2005
Diamond, is it cool with you if I eat some burritoes and then take a huge Taco Bell shit in your frying pan? Also, would you mind if I heat the shit up on your stove and made you inhale the fumes of my frying shit? Would it also be ok if, after heating up the shit, I left the stove on "high," forced your face into the flame to ignite your neatly trimmed beard, and then left the flame on until your house burned down? Please contact me to discuss and let me know if you are "hip" to my plan.

P.S. Which would technically be considered to be more "flaming," your stove or you?

Posted: Dec 19, 2005
Diamond, is it cool with you if I take a huge shit on your chin and then scoop up the shit with a spoon and lodge all of it up into your nostrils? Also, would you mind if I teabag you after my shit hardens inside of your nose, making it impossible for you to breathe from your nose? Please get back to me immediately, as this is a serious and important question!

Posted: Dec 15, 2005
Diamond, is it cool with you if I heat up some hot bacon grease in a frying pan and fire it right in your face and then smack you in the face with the pan? Would you mind if I dumped a gallon of boiling hot water on your tiny cock and balls and then stuck a couple Barbie Dolls up your ass while my stereo plays the song "Barbie Girl" by Aqua?

Posted: Dec 15, 2005
Diamond, is it cool with you if I stomp on your hairless pre-pubescent nutsack while wearing golf cleats? Also, you you mind if I stick a red-hot fireplace poker up your ass? Please contact me to discuss!

Posted: Dec 12, 2005
Diamond, you can call me "Fred Flintstone," because I will make your "bed rock!!!" Call me, you gay icon!

Do you like fast food? Because I've got a nice big "whopper" in my pants for you! I'll feed it to you rectally!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Hot Picture of Carrot Top Interviewing Dustin Diamond!

I found this nice picture of Carrot Top interviewing Diamond! I think was taken when Diamond was visiting the Sundance Film Festival in Colorado back in 2006:

Picture of Dustin Diamond with "Road Ass"?

Dustin Diamond has mentioned that he sometimes meets "road ass" (his term!) while out on his comedy club tours. Here are some pictures of Diamond with an obese young woman. If wonder if they hooked up - she reminds me of a young Dennis Haskins. She's fat enough to be in his next porno!

Gay Dustin-Diamond Related Fantasies

Here are some "Remember when..." gay fantasies I wrote about Dustin Diamond. Have fun jerking it to these!

"Rectal Bleeding" episode recap
Posted: Apr 24 2008

Diamond, do you remember that episode where you were being viciously raped in the shower of the Bayside boy's locker room after gym class? Remember how AC Slater, Ox, Mr. Belding, Milo and janitor, and Coach Rizzo all took turns tagging your ass? Remember when Belding pulled his cock out of your ass and shoved it into your mouth and said "yeah, take that load, Diamond!" as he shot his cum down your throat? Remember when the producer yelled "cut" and the scene had to be reshot because Belding had accidently called you "Diamond" instead of "Screech"? You sure experienced rectal bleeding in that episode!

"Diamond Takes a Shower" recap
Posted: Apr 25 2008

Diamond, do you remember that episode where there was a water shortage and nobody could shower after gym class? Remember when you complained because you got sweaty playing basketball and had b.o. and therefore needed a shower to clean up? Remember when Coach Sonski got really mad at you because you were being annoying and eventually agreed to let you have a shower? Remember when you got naked and walked into the shower room and saw that everyone else from class was naked and also standing in the shower room? Remember how Mr. Belding was also standing naked in the shower room for some unknown reason even though he had nothing to do with your gym class? Remember when Coach Sonski told everyone to give you a shower and then every pissed on you and then jerked off and blew their loads all over you? You sure became an expert on golden showers and cum showers in that episode!

"The Coke Machine" recap
Posted: May 7 2008

Diamond, remember that episode where Belding purchased a new Coca-Cola vending machine for the Bayside cafeteria? Remember how it was a vintage Coke machine that vended Coke in 16-oz glass bottles? Remember how you were Belding's assistant at the time and he asked you if you wanted to go grab a Coke with him? Remember when you two walked to the cafeteria together? Remember when Mr. Belding pinched your butt as you walked through the hall and you blushed because you had a huge crush on Belding? Remember when Belding asked you for 35 cents for the machine to purchase a Coke? Remember how you were still blushing and quickly handed over the change to Belding? Remember when Belding purchased a Coke and then said, "Hey Diamond, I need a can opener to get off the cap!" and then pulled down your Zubaz sweatpants and used your asshole to pop off the cap, tearing it horribly in the process and causing anal bleeding? Remember when Belding got mad because you were bleeding on the floor and smashed the glass Coke bottle over your head and then viciously sodomized you with the bottle while laughing his ass off? Remember when Milo the janitor emerged from behind a table and walked over and robbed you? Remember when Belding walked back to his office and Milo left to mop the gym floor, leaving you laying in a pool of your own blood on the floor? Remember when the front door of the Coke machine swung open and Mr. Tuttle fell out? Remember how Mr. Tuttle was completely naked and had jizzed all over the Coke bottles in the machine? Diamond, you sure learned about the dangers of drinking too much soda in that episode!!!!!!

Security Camera Image of Diamond at an Arby's

Diamond met his fake wife at an Arby's when she was in line buying a Beef 'n Cheddar sandwich, as discussed on this website. Here is a depiction of what can be seen on an Arby's security camera when Diamond is in line ordering food for his fake wife (Dner at the Dustin Diamond Love forum created this image):

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Picture of Dustin Diamond and His Gay Lover?

I found this nice picture of Dustin Diamond and some other dude who appears to be his gay lover. Diamond must enjoy it when his gay lover dresses up as "The Fonz" from Happy Days. I found this picture on Dustin Diamond's Wikipedia page, so I have to assume that it was Dustin Diamond's idea to add it to his own page.

Does anyone know if this guy really is Diamond's gay lover? If so, has he ever given Diamond a sweaty pair of Arabian Googles or made Diamond toss his salad?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Diamond's #1 Fan?

I think that I may have found Diamond's #1 fan. Does anyone know if this fruit is Diamond's biggest fan?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Does Diamond have a "wizard's sleeve"????

Does anyone know if Diamond sports a "wizard's sleeve"?? For those of you who don't know, a "wizard's sleeve" is an asshole that is so stretched out from overuse that it looks like a baggy Wizard's sleeve.

I'll bet that Belding, Tuttle, A.C. Slater, Zack Morris' dad, Kevin the robot, and Milo the janitor (from Good Morning Miss Bliss) probably had unprotected buttsex with Diamond so many times that Diamond's butthole drapes open even when not in use. Does anyone know the truth???

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Old posts from (part 22)

25th May 2007 - 02:02:24 PM
82099 : Kurt Steinberg
Turd Ferguson (82098) and Vaq (82088), you both have blinders on to the world! "Dustin Diamond" is merely the stage name for Max Goldberg. Someone in the Screen Actor's Guild had already claimed the name "Max Goldberg," and so Max chose to act under the name "Dustin Diamond." Come on, that name "Dustin Diamond" sure sounds made up when you think about it, doesn't it?

25th May 2007 - 11:31:47 AM
82097 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, when you are pulling a train with Belding and Tuttle, who does you from the back and who in in the front? Also, after blowing his load, does Belding trun around, bend over, and say "Choo choo" while blasting a wet fart right in your face? Please get back to me soon, buddy!

24th May 2007 - 11:35:52 PM
82086 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, is it true that A.C. Slater hired you to help him smuggle illegal aliens across the Mexico-U.S. border? Remember when he drove a U-Haul van while you stayed in the storage portion with a bunch of Mexican nationals? Remember how they were all gay and they used you as their "comfort Jew"? Remember when you contracted several STD and your zoinker was really itchy? You really got fucked over, didn't you?

24th May 2007 - 06:19:15 PM
82079 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, if I were to eat a deep dish sausage and pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and then sit on your face and drop ass, do you think you would mind?

24th May 2007 - 05:10:26 PM
82075 : Kurt Steinberg
Grow Up (82074), Diamond would definitely not invest in municipal bonds (neither should you in you're under 40). I could see Diamond pissing his t-shirt money away on a get-rich-quick scheme. I saw an infomercial for a stock market options trading scam the other day. I could totally see Diamond wasting all of the money from his t-shirt scam on something like that.

24th May 2007 - 01:18:26 PM
82071 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, does it bother you when you think about the fact that a fry cook at Bruger King makes more moeny than you (and attracts better women!)?

23rd May 2007 - 12:20:33 PM
82030 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, thank you for finally taking the time to delete the spam. It's about time this guestbook gayed up! You are a gay icon and are doing a service to queers around the world by using this website to promote your homosexual agenda. Thanks buddy!

23rd May 2007 - 09:57:51 AM
82020 : Kurt Steinberg
The real Dustin Diamond (message 82002), I heard that you yelled out "That's a spicy meatball!" in your best Italian-sounding voice while gobbling down the turd that Belding had left in your spaghetti lunch that was stashed away in your Dukes of Hazzard lunch box. Are you sure that didn't happen?

23rd May 2007 - 12:28:29 AM
82000 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, is it true that Mr. Belding used to ocassionally break into your locker at Bayside and take shits in your Dukes of Hazzard lunch box? I heard he did that one time when you had brought spaghetti for lunch, and when you picked up a meaty Belding turd with your fork at lunchtime and started eating it, you said "that's a spicy meatball!" Please confirm if this is true. Thanks, buddy!

22nd May 2007 - 04:35:35 PM
81975 : Kurt Steinberg
JewveBeenFramed, Katana/Interceptor3 is asking about you:

22nd May 2007 - 10:23:34 AM
81942 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, do you have irritable bowel syndorme? Is that why you kept farting on the Celebrity Fit Club set, especially during hte kayak race? Did Belding and Tuttle damage your colon when spitroasting you all of those times at Bayside?

21st May 2007 - 10:57:52 AM
81866 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, why did you keep farting during the kayak race on Celebrity Fit Club? You're so disgusting that you didn't even care that they were recording you at the time! Were you out at the Taco Bell dumpsters the night before and that's why you had the gas problem?

21st May 2007 - 10:42:08 AM
81865 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, do you remember that time when your were a student at Bayside and Slater smacked you in the head with a kickball and everyone (including coach Sonski) started laughing when you fell over? Remember when you went crying to Belding and he gave you a tender hug and made you feel a lot better? Remember how you stopped feeling better when Belding's wandering hands reached down into your Zubaz and grasped your tiny cock? Remember when he punched you in your tiny pre-pubescient ballbag and you fell over in pain? Remmebre when Belding tore off your Zubaz and his huge middle-aged cock played "hide-and-go-seek" inside your asshole? That was a bad day for you, wasn't it?

21st May 2007 - 12:51:51 AM
81849 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, do you remember the Senifeld epsiode where George Costanza is interviewing for a job with a company and the hiring person leaves before definitively saying whether George had the job? George showed up the next week when that guy was out of town and started working on the "Penske file."

The reason I bring it up is because the guy who hired George in that episode was named "Mr. Tuttle."

Is it true that the Mr. Tuttle from Seinfeld and the Mr. Tuttle from Saved By the Bell stalked you on the NBC studio lot? Did they jump you and drag you into Dennis Haskins' trailer where they proceeded to spit-roast you in front of Dennis? I'm pretty sure I saw an article about this in Entertainment Weekly a few years ago, but I thought I should ask you for some inside details. Thanks, buddy!

17th May 2007 - 01:56:45 PM
81747 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, you sure were a dick in that video clip!

14th May 2007 - 04:20:36 PM
81707 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, when Mr. Belding is violently ass-slamming you, is it true that he refuses to give you a reach around and instead makes you jerk off your own tiny cock? What about when you and Ross the Intern were making love on the Celebrity Fit Club set? Did Ross ever give you a reach-around while stretching out your butthole?

31st December 1969 - 06:00:00 PM
81694 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, when you were having sex with Ross the Intern on the rowdy Celebrity Fit Club set, who was the pitcher and who was the catcher?

31st December 1969 - 06:00:00 PM
81689 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, thanks for finally deleting some of the spam that has been posted here. To show my appreciation, I'd like to give you a nice gift! Please meet me in the bathroom at the Phillips 66 gas station on Wilshire on the west side of Beverly Hills. Come to the second bathroom stall, knock three times and then say the code word "Zoinks! Zoinks!" I will then let you in give you some unprotected buttsex. After I am done ass-slamming you, I will take a shit in your jew-fro and then dunk your head in the filthy toilet! Let's hook up, buddy.

Check out this nice e-card I made for you. It's it great that you have such caring fans?

06th May 2007 - 01:20:20 AM
81177 : Kurt Steinberg
Princess Peussie, quit posting here, SHITHEAD! Nobody likes you. Milo the janitor ought to track you down and sodomize you with his mop and then brun you with his crack pipe.

Remember this story about you?

"15th May 2005 - 11:22:34 PM
13557 : Ox
Screech, remember that episode where you were playing kickball during gym class at Bayside? Remember when Kelly was at the plate and she kicked the ball to you while you were playing shortstop? Remember when you fielded the ball and wildly threw it toward Zack, the first baseman? Remember when you were so uncoordinated that the ball slipped as you threw it and it hit the second baseman in the head? Remember when the second basement was a weirdo that liked to be called the "Prince"? Remember when everyone thought he was a complete faggot? Remember how he was the only kid in school that you could beat up, as he was even more scrawny than you? Remember when he got up after you hit hit with the kickball and came at you crying and screaming like the big pussy that he was? Remember when he swung at you with flailing arms? Remember when you kicked him in the nuts and he fell over? Remember when a crowd started forming around you two yelling "FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!! FIGHT!!!" as you squared off with the Prince? Remember when Mr. Belding ran out in the gym and said "hey, hey, hey, waht is going on here?" Remember when the Prince ran over to Belding and told him that you hit him with the kickball for no reason? Remember when Mr. Belding picked up the kickball and said "was it this kickball, you stupid FAGGOT?" as he whipped the ball at your face from a distance of a mere 10 feet away? Remember when the ball hit the Prince in his face, shattering his nose and spraying blood everywhere? Remember when the entire class started laughing and called the Prince a stupid piece of cocksucking shit? Remember when Slater said "whoa, that's a lot of blood" as Zack gave the Prince a legsweep, knocking him to the ground? Remember when Slater dropped trow and then dropped an HIV+ pile of shit on the Prince's bloody nose? Remember when the HIV from Slater's feces made its way into the Prince's bloodstream, giving the Prince HIV? Remember when Mr. Dewey, the science teacher, ran into the gym with a syringe and said "Prince, take this, it will make you better" as he injected the Prince? Remember when he finished the injection and then told everyone he had just injected the Prince with the Ebola virus? Remember when everyone started laughing? Remember how the Prince was a bloody, fecal-covered mess by this point? Remember when you said "alright, he's had enough... JUST KIDDING, WE'RE JUST GETTING WARMING UP!!!" as you kicking the Prince in the nuts and then yanked off his gym shorts? Remember when everyone laughed because the Prince was hung like a gnat? Remember when Slater, Zack, Mr. Belding, Maxwell Nerdstrom, and Mr. Dewey took turns stomping on the Prince's tiny hairless beanbag? Remember when I said "let me have a chance! I'm strong like an OX?" Remember when I stomped so hard on the Prince's nuts that his nutsack broke open and his tiny balls rolled out? Remember when Salter said "Prince, I think these belong to you" as he stuffed then down the Prince's throat? Remember when the Prince was in the hospital for months afterward and has been seeing a psychiatrist for years? Remember when you went to your 10-year Bayside high school reunion and discovered that the Prince had a sex change and now goes by the name "Princess Puessie"? Remember when Princess Peussie started posting retarded things in message board because he thinks they are funny, when in reality only a stupid fecal-munching pervert would find any of his postings funny? You and the Bayside gang sure screwed over the Prince in that episode!"

03rd May 2007 - 04:09:12 PM
80984 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, why did you let the spammer post all of those non-gay spam messages here? I'll have you know that it took me an extra 87 seconds to find a hot queer fantasy to read while rubbing one out. Diamond, when I'm at work masturbating while reading posts here, I cannot afford to spend that much time looking for spank-worthy posts! What would happen if someone had walked into my office and my pants were off? Also, don't you realize that my leather office chair quicky starts to smell like ass when I sit on it naked after having eaten Taco Bell for lunch? What in the hell is wrong with you?!!! I demand that you ban the spammers and delete the spam that has been posted recently!

01st May 2007 - 09:49:23 AM
80698 : Kurt Steinberg
Hopper, I'm going to track you down and make your Italian ass pay for spamming up this board! This is a QUEERS-only message board. Diamond set up this guestbook as a service to his homosexual fans, so that they can have a cnetralized place with which to freely exchange gay fantasies involving him being sodomized and abused by the other dudes on SBTB.

Your spam is clogging up this board and making it harder for raging homosexuals like myself to find spank-worthy posts to read while rubbing one out. That really upset me! I'm going to eat some Taco Bell and then drop trow, bend over, and spray diarrhea all over your greasy head. Let's hook up!

27th April 2007 - 05:19:17 PM
80313 : Kurt Steinberg
Tank-ass, what is the deal with all of this spam?? You queer fans are having difficulty finding hot spanyworthy posts amid a sea of spam. I demand that you delete this spam right away! I promise I'll drop a nice big deuce onto your neatly trimmed beard if you do this right now. Your tiny cock must be rock hard right now while you think about this great offer!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Old posts from (part 21)

26th April 2007 - 04:16:12 PM
80203 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, I demand that you delete the spam that he been posted here immediately!

Hey, did any of the queers who post here leave this comment on the Perez Hilton website:


And Perez, why haven't you outed HIM yet? He lied about being married to his GF (no, he's not divorced, he LIED about being married), and has had several gay trysts (and rumor has it, he had an illicit affair with Mr. Belding- not a joke).

eh 44
Apr 25,2007 | 9:38.47 PM "

25th April 2007 - 10:31:21 PM
80158 : Kurt Steinberg
Princess Peussie, I swear the you are the biggest faggot on the face of the earth, even bigger than Diamond or Katana500. Leave and never come back. Your long posts are stupid and just take up space. Nobody reads them.

25th April 2007 - 06:10:01 PM
80154 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, when are you going to compile all of the messages that have been posted here into a book? Team up with Max Goldberg and get this done. Get rid of the spam and posts by Princess Peussie in the final edition.

Also, I think it would be great if you mention in the foreward to the book how often you visit this geustbooks, how many loads you've blown while reading the queer fantasies posted here, etc. Also, be sure to acknowledge the most prominent posters, including me.

Thanks, buddy!

- Kurt Steinberg

25th April 2007 - 10:19:32 AM
80149 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, does it turn you on when you think about all of the faggots who want to use your mouth as a toilet?

24th April 2007 - 05:25:27 PM
80141 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamondcutter, there's a nice pool in the back of the hotel where a bunch of dudes can go for a swim, take dumps, and have hot unprotected buttsex!

24th April 2007 - 04:30:22 PM
80139 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamondcutter, I just did a google search and discovered that there is a Taco Bell somewhere in the Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas.

That's where a bunch of the queers who post here need to meet on July 16, 2007 to celebrate the opening of Diamond's guestbook. Diamond has done so much to promote homosexuality since opening this website. I wonder how many heteros have been turned gay by this guestbook?

24th April 2007 - 12:44:14 PM
80135 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, this was the first post where I informed you that I wanted to spray diarrhea all over you! It kind of snowballed from there...

21st June 2003 - 10:59:47 PM
3051 : Kurt Steinberg
Dustin, let's get together. I want to take you out on a date and then afterwards I'll show you my apartment. I'll eat lots of burritos before our date, so that we can have fun at my apartment. You can lie down on my bed, and then I'll get naked and drop ass in your face. Finally, I'll spray diarrhea all over your hair!

I'm waiting for your call!

- Kurt

24th April 2007 - 12:39:08 PM
80133 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, this was the first post where I informed everyone that this is a queers-only guestbook. Aren't you glad I did that?

29th March 2003 - 12:43:19 AM
2152 : Kurt Steinberg
SyKo (message 2249), get a life! Do you want to have sex with Dustin? If not, then get off this board! No heterosexuals are supposed to post here - this is a queers-only board!!!

24th April 2007 - 12:20:27 PM
80131 : Kurt Steinberg
diamondcutter, in honor of the 6-year anniversary of Diamond's guestbook, I propose that a bunch of the queers who post here meet up someplace special. Key West won't do this time - we need to hook up somewhere else.

There's many nice truck stops in the Las Vegas area where we can meet up for some initial swordfights. That will just be our icebreaker. We should then drive in my pink Camaro over to the old crappy casinos off the strip. I think they are within walking distance of a McDonald's and a bus station. I'd like to spitroast some black jack players at one of the $5 tables. Afterward we can take a cab to the Bellagio casino and sneak over to the hotel part and take dumps in the pool and then head over to the Tabu club, which I believe is in the MGM complex. Belding was photographed there carrying this woman:

24th April 2007 - 09:50:19 AM
80129 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, The 6-year anniversary of the opening of your guestbook is quickly arriving. The first post was entered at 07:05:39 AM on July 26, 2001. The guesbook quickly went gay, with the first gay post being entered a mere 16 minutes later, at 07:21:48 AM on the same day.

What are you going to do to celebrate? You must have lost thousands of loads over the years from the hot queer fantasies posted here.

24th April 2007 - 09:29:00 AM
80128 : Kurt Steinberg
Deucer, I missed your gem the other day:

" 22nd April 2007 - 02:34:22 AM
80107 : Deucer
Hey Scrodge, remember the episode where you payed a homeless black guy $10 to come back to your place and take a dump on you? Remember how he dropped his filthy, lice-ridden pants and unloaded a belly-load of sludgy, green-red, tapeworm-infested blood-streaked butt-sludge right in your face? Remember how the bum died shortly after from a chronic intestinal condition? Remember how you caught hepatitis B and nearly died? You sure got your just desserts that time!"

23rd April 2007 - 12:47:26 AM
80114 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey tank-ass, you sure are a turd on Celebrity Fit Club. No wonder everyone in Hollywood hates you!

19th April 2007 - 03:25:53 PM
80091 : Kurt Steinberg
Cho Seung-Hui is a fuck who deserved to be assraped by Belding and Tuttle. Much like Diamond, Cho Seung-Hui deserves to be splashed with HIV juice from Belding's huge cock.

19th April 2007 - 12:43:12 AM
80082 : Kurt Steinberg
How much do you want to bet that Janet is actually Janet Reno, the manly attorney general under the Clinton administration?

18th April 2007 - 04:52:36 PM
80077 : Kurt Steinberg

"He`s Married??
« Thread Started on 7/12/05 at 10:05 »

I found this at ohnotheydidnt LJ Community. My question is...He`s Married? Huh? When did that happen!

I live in Milwaukee (WI) and Screech (I'm sure he has a real name, but hell if I know it) lives in the 'burbs around here somewhere. I work at the Hot Topic at one of said 'burbs and about two months ago he came in with his wife. I didn't know if it was actually him or just someone who looked unfortunately like him until the girls from Pretzel Maker came rushing over into our store and asked for his autograph. That was funny in and of it self, but it gets better:

Screech is a true Wisconsin man - that is, he has a serious gut but isn't fat anywhere else. This point was made all the more amusing when he was looking at belts and asked my co-worker and I if we thought that "this 36" would fit him - yeah after him trying it on, helll naw. He ended up buying a 40 incher of some horrid description as well as three different Nightmare Before Christmas perfumes - we assumed for the wifey - and some other random stuff, for a grand total of $150ish in cash. Who knew he was such a baller?

In any case, he was pretty stand-offish when it came to the autographs and apparently really HATES it when people call him "Screech."
Okay, whatever Screech. Nice belt, Screech. So you dig that perfume, Screech? Me too, Screech.

18th April 2007 - 10:08:38 AM
80068 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey tank-ass, how much weight did you lose on Celebrity Fit Club? Is it true that everyone hated you because you kept sexually harrassing Ross the Internet and Ant, the two raging homosexuals on the show with you? Is it also true that you would sneak out to Arby's to eat Beef 'n Cheddars and get some hot ass by the Arby's dumpsters?

16th April 2007 - 04:27:37 PM
80045 : Kurt Steinberg
It's about time that you guys paid me a visit in Key West. The whole area is overrun with queers - you're bound to get tons of hot male ass! A hot and spicy 21-year-old Cuban immigrant suched me off behind this Key West monument on Saturday evening:

There's an old abandoned railroad bridge that runs parallel to the main highway through the various Florida Keys.
You might remember it from the Arnold Schwartzenegger movie "True Lies." It was severaly damaged during a hurricane in 1935. I have personally enjoyed some hot all-male orgies on various sections of that bridge! I once took a shit in some dude's mouth while families with their children were driving by on the bridge currently in use! Seeing the disgusted looks on their faces was so hot!!!

12th April 2007 - 10:13:15 AM
79978 : Kurt Steinberg
Deucer, it's almost a guarantee that Belding's polyesther pants that he bought at the 2-for-1 sale don't fit right. He's pretty tubby and has difficulty finding pants that fit around his barrell ass.

Belding almost certainly spends a lot of money on gay porn, trips to San Francisco and Key West, and on legal fees defending himself against charges of molestation. So when there's a sale on pants, Belding is there!

I bet that Belding wears the same pair every day of the week to save on laudry costs. However, all of the burritos that Salter cooks for him give Belding gas, causing him to fart quite a bit and make his pants small rank. He probably can get some of the smell out by rubbing them all over Diamond's poofy jew-fro.

11th April 2007 - 02:18:22 PM
79967 : Kurt Steinberg
Deucer (message 79957), Belding must have sweat quite a bit in those polyesther Sears pants, because I don't think polyesther allows in as much air flow as would cotton pants. Belding's polyesther pants probably reek of ass when he takes them off! Do you think it turned on Screech when Belding would drop the pants and Screech smelled several of Belding's stale farts?

11th April 2007 - 02:12:08 PM
79966 : Kurt Steinberg
lost a fan, how dare you cast your judgment on Diamond! Any one can tell, based on the 15-year-old picture on the main page and all the misspellings (including Diamond's own name), that Diamond created this website in a rush 5 years ago. He's been so busy that he hasn't had time to update. If Diamond wants to promote homosexuality and the practice of receiving Hot Karls from random dudes, what is it to you? Just because Diamond may have given Belding a rusty trombone on a rowdy Saved By The Bell set doesn't mean that he's a bad person!

This is a QUEERS-only guestbook and you should probably stop posting here. If you don't want to teabag Diamond while jerking off and then blow your load on his bird chest, you should leave forever!

10th April 2007 - 04:25:03 PM
79950 : Kurt Steinberg
Goldberg, please post a link to your .pdf from the UDRP ruling. Thanks.

- Kurt Steinberg

09th April 2007 - 05:36:41 PM
79939 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey tank-ass, does it turn you on knowing that 79939 messages have been posted in your guestbook, and 97% of them have a queer-theme? Do you masturbate while reading the posts here? I sure do!

08th April 2007 - 06:24:26 PM
79933 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, why is your zoinker so small? Is it try that you used to yell out "zoinks" whenever Belding would smack you in the groin with a tire iron?

31st March 2007 - 12:23:24 AM
79883 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey chubs, you should hook up with Mr. Tuttle in your next porn movie. I've sure that Tuttle could use the money and the ass.

29th March 2007 - 12:16:51 AM
79876 : Kurt Steinberg
Hey shithead, I just tried to get on your website. Did you take it down? Diamond, I demand the you bring it back up immediately. Afterward, I will reward ytou by taking a dump in your mouth! You must be creaming your pants right now just thinking about this tremendous opportunity!!

22nd March 2007 - 03:09:42 PM
79843 : Kurt Steinberg
jon, what are you talking about? If you are a deranged and deviant homosexual (like 97% of the people who read messages and post here), this website is awesome. It's chock full of hot spank material!!!

21st March 2007 - 05:38:48 PM
79834 : Kurt Steinberg
Screech, remember when you were so proud of yourself because your mom bought you that Garfield phone? Remember when Belding sodomized you with it?

21st March 2007 - 09:50:40 AM
79831 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, I still want to know whether it is true that you have had your anal fallopian tubes tied so that you can no longer give birth to any more butt babies? Please let me know, buddy.

15th March 2007 - 03:49:08 PM
79808 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, I just realized that it was over 4 years ago when I posted my first comment here. I bet you figured that the novelty of this guestbook would wear off after a couple months and people would stop posting their gay fantasies...

" 13th January 2003 - 09:06:08 PM
1589 : Kurt Steinberg
Dustin Diamond, I love you!!! You are a young Jack Nicolson!!!

I want to squirt my load in your eye and then toss your salad!!!

- Kurt

12th March 2007 - 11:59:56 PM
79792 : Kurt Steinberg
These anti-gay clips from the 1950s are hilarious. Diamond should have watched these before he attended Bayside.

this one is great - there's even a part about public restrooms

12th March 2007 - 11:35:46 PM
79791 : Kurt Steinberg
Here's some proof that people actually do the shit we write about here:

(fart in face) -

urinal dump at Taco Bell -

09th March 2007 - 01:13:30 PM
79762 : Kurt Steinberg
Dr. Elbow, did you rub one out when you saw Diamond? I ask because that's what I did when I watched him in the Miss Bayside episode the other day.