29th April 2004 - 08:34:46 AM
7266 : greg
i, too, would love to take a dump on mr. dustin diamond's chest. then i would smear my excrement all over his torso and use his shit covered chest as a canvas and write my name in it by taking a piss on him. once i've done that, i would then projectile vomit all over his crotch and wipe my ass with his poofy hair.
11th April 2004 - 01:46:55 AM
7051 : Benny
Hello Mr. Diamond, it is me Benny again. I waited and waited and waited but you have still not answered my last couple questions. I am a bit disappointed but that is OK I am still a fan of yours and I know you are busy working overtime at Burger King so I will ask a couple more questions while I wait again. Yesterday my friend told me that you are a fan of Super Mario Bros. and that you went to see the filming of the live action movie starring Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo and that you met them, is that true? Is Mr. Leguizamo really as unfunny as his live shows unintentionally make him out to be? Is it true that Mr. Hoskins insisted on carrying you around on his shoulders when he gave you a tour of his dressing room, even though you were like 15 yrs old at the time? Did you feel weird when he made you dress up as Luigi and had you jump around on his naked lap? When you ran out of the place screaming, did Dennis Hopper really try to lure you into his dark rundown van with candy and soda pop? Is it true that you accepted his offer and where never seen again for 6 whole weeks?
09th April 2004 - 08:10:31 PM
7021 : a young child
I remember one time at fashion camp Dustin Diamond came up behind me and pulled my shirt over my head. He pushed me to the ground and jumped on top of me. He took 3 pairs of handcuffs out of his rear pocket. He used one pair to bind my hands, another for my feet, and the last one to bind my hands and feet together.
Dustin Diamond then ripped off all of my clothes including my new shirt and silk briefs. He put his mouth on my penis and masturbated me for a minute or two and then he turned me around on the ground. Dustin Diamond then disrobed himself and lay down on top of me. He inserted his penis in to my anus. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on. Dustin Diamond was fucking me in the ass!
He continued to fuck me in the ass. I counted every second of it. After 27 seconds he ejaculated inside of me. I was mortified. The worst part was that my new shirt was ripped and I didn't even reach orgasm!
24th March 2004 - 10:26:01 AM
6862 : Benny
Hello Mr. Diamond, it is me Benny again. Unfortunately you have not answered any of my last questions which disappoints me but I know you are busy touring the nightclubs trying to make a couple extra bucks because I heard that you hold a steady job at Burger King which doesn't pay much, is that true? Supposedly on your first day on the job you were assaulted by the manager who just so happened to be the gay comedian Andy Dick, is that true? My friend says Mr. Dick pulled out his cock and told you to suck it and said it was part of your training but you wouldn't suck it so he bent you over the counter and raped you using mayonnaise as lubrication and when he climaxed in your butt he said that now you know what the secret ingredient in the special sauce is, is that true? I heard that you tried to press charges the next day only to find out that Andy really didn't work there and had pulled a fast one on you by showing up to your job dressed as a BK manager, is that true too? Does that mean his salty semen really isn't the secret ingredient in the special sauce?
19th March 2004 - 06:58:52 AM
6818 : Benny
Hello Mr. Diamond, it is me Benny again. I just wanted to ask a couple more questions before you answer my last ones because I just heard something else from my friend right now. He says that you were once up for a role in The Goonies is that true? Supposedly you would have played either "Mouth" the role that went to Corey Feldman, or you would have played "Data" that was played by that one Asian kid who quickly disappeared and I think was shipped back to China in a box marked "return to sender". I was told that the only reason why you didn't get the role was because you wouldn't sleep with the writer Chris Columbus who went on to become a director and slept with Michael Jackson's former bed buddy Macaulay Culkin while making Home Alone, is that true? Would you sleep with him now if it meant you would get a role in one of the new Harry Potter films?
16th March 2004 - 05:47:43 PM
6791 : Benny
Hey Mr. Diamond it is me Benny again. You did not answer my last few questions but that is okay, I have a couple more. I heard that you used to hang out with none other than Michael Jackson himself, is that true? I heard a story that you once spent the night at Neverland with him and Corey Haim and that you guys played Mr. Jackson's videogame Moonwalker on his Sega Genesis all night long, and even pretended to be the characters and Michael pretended to morph into that shiny car and you rode him, is that true too? However, I heard that he didn't try to molest you though, and that he only forced himself on Corey Haim, is that true as well? What's up with that, did that make you jealous?
11th March 2004 - 04:15:46 PM
6726 : Benny
Hello Mr. Diamond, it is me Benny again. Thank you for taking time to answer my last message and I am sorry to hear about what Carrot Top did to you when you were younger. But I was also wondering about something my friend said about you. He said that you used to be friends with Jonathan Brandis who was on the TV show SeaQuest DSV as well as in that Rodney Dangerfield movie Ladybugs where he dressed as a female soccer player. My friend says that one time you spent the night over at his place when you were young teens and when you fell asleep you woke up to find Jonathan trying to penetrate you and you freaked out and shit all over yourself, which provided the lubrication needed for Jonathan to fully penetrate your tight butt. To add insult to injury, he then made you eat your bloody shit off his Star Wars bedsheets, is that true? Do you miss him now that he has committed suicide because he didn't get the role of Anakin in the new Star Wars trilogy? Do you even like Star Wars?
08th March 2004 - 01:08:34 PM
6687 : Mr. Diamond
Yes, Benny, I do love to eat M&Ms, especially after I've shoved them up some little boys tight butt with my thumbs, which have grown fat from years of playing Nintendo games. Thank you for your interest!
08th March 2004 - 07:50:14 AM
6683 : Benny
Hey Mr. Diamond it is me Benny again, how are you? You still haven't replied to my last message but that is okay, I know you are busy and plus I still have a few more questions. For instance I heard that you once went to a Carrot Top show and was invited backstage and got to shake hands with Carrot Top, who you idolize. He invited you to his dressing room and he let you play his Nintendo which was new at the time, and while you were playing it on his floor he snuck up behind you and stuck his cock into your afro and you turned around and he forced you to suck him off, is that true? I also heard that when he was done with you he threw a pack of M&Ms at you and told you to leave and not tell anybody what happened or else he wouldn't give you anymore M&Ms the next time you came to see him. I also heard that you didn't really suck him off but that he sucked you off and he even filmed it, including the part where he shoved M&Ms up your butt with his thumb. I guess what I am asking is, do you really like M&Ms?
02nd March 2004 - 11:48:05 AM
6591 : Benny
Hey Mr. Diamond, again I want to mention that I am a big fan and that I think you are very funny and I am sorry to hear about what Bob Golic did to you backstage during the college years when he forced himself inside you. Also, is it true that you were raped by Ralph Macchio as well while visiting him on the set of The Karate Kid Part 2? I heard that he lured you into his trailer by promising to introduce you to Pat Morita, who you admired, but when you stepped into the trailer, Ralph did that special kick move to your lower spinal cord area and you were momentarily paralyzed as he bound your arms behind your back with his black belt and shoved his headband into your mouth to muffle your girlish screams of pain?
27th February 2004 - 06:49:53 AM
6520 : Benny
Hey Mr. Diamond, I once heard that actor Bob Golic (Mr. Rogers on SBTB college years) actually raped you in real life in his dressing room and emptied the contents of his nut sack deep into your tight scrawny butt, is that true?
I'm not sure it this one is from Diamond's guestbook, but it sure is hot!
Screech, remember how a different actor played Zack's dad in Saved By The Bell than the one who played his dad in Good Morning Miss Bliss?
Is it true that both of Zack's dads showed up on the Saved By The Bell: Hawaiian Style set and spit roasted you and then threw you in an active volcano? Has anyone else heard this rumor? I read it on a bathroom stall the other day.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Queer "Saved By Your Balls" Flash Game
Check out the hot Flash game, "Saved By Your Balls":
In the game the player is one of the Saved By The Bell characters and has to whore himself out to the other characters to earn $5000 to fix the player's damage car before the player's parents get home. If you play as Screech, you can earn $250 in the gym locker room by letting A.C. Slater rape you:
In the game the player is one of the Saved By The Bell characters and has to whore himself out to the other characters to earn $5000 to fix the player's damage car before the player's parents get home. If you play as Screech, you can earn $250 in the gym locker room by letting A.C. Slater rape you:

Saturday, May 05, 2007
Cartoon of Queer Orgy in Mr. Belding's Office
Check out this hot cartoon of a gay orgy in Mr. Belding's office! As one can see, AC Slater has eaten some Taco Bell and is spraying diarrhea right into Screech's face while Mr. Belding and Zack Morris masturbate vigorously! This cartoon was drawn by Dner over at the Dustin Diamond Love forum.

Thursday, May 03, 2007
Dustindiamond.com Is Over-run With Spam Again
The guestbook at Dustindiamond.com is once again over-run with spam. :( I wrote this nice post. Hopefully Diamond will read it and delete the spam!
03rd May 2007 - 04:09:12 PM
80984 : Kurt Steinberg
Diamond, why did you let the spammer post all of those non-gay spam messages here? I'll have you know that it took me an extra 87 seconds to find a hot queer fantasy to read while rubbing one out. Diamond, when I'm at work masturbating while reading posts here, I cannot afford to spend that much time looking for spank-worthy posts! What would happen if someone had walked into my office and my pants were off? Also, don't you realize that my leather office chair quicky starts to smell like ass when I sit on it naked after having eaten Taco Bell for lunch? What in the hell is wrong with you?!!! I demand that you ban the spammers and delete the spam that has been posted recently!
Entries From Mr. Tuttle's Journal
As you may be aware, Mr. Tuttle was an integral part of the homosexual acts that took place on Saved By The Bell. Tuttle would often lurk in the shadows or hide in camouflage while Belding, Milo the Janitor, Mr. Dewey, Slater, Zack, Zack's dad, and Kevin the Robot would anally violate Screech. Tuttle would reveal himself near the end of the attack and would be masturbating vigorously, almost as though his life depending on it! Here are some hot entries from Mr. Tuttle's Journal that were written by Buckins over at the Dustin Diamond Love fansite message board:
Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:21 pm Post subject: Mr Tuttle's journal
I came across my old "Saved By The Bell: Bumper Scrapbook '91" and had a leaf through it. They had a fascinating article that was supposedly an extract from Mr Tuttle's journal. It was most insightful, so I thought I'd share it.
Journal, 03/21/91
I was sitting at my desk, working my way through a box of éclairs, when Belding dropped a note at my desk and darted out the room. “Blood and spunk bash, the cafeteria, 1700 today”- I could feel my chins jiggle as I shuddered in anticipation. Had he really managed to trick that succulent little sploof receptacle Screech again?
I was in the cafeteria by four thirty, sweating and twisting my nutsag with impatience. Finally I heard some voices. I tore off my clothes and leaped into the deep fryer. It was reasonably spacious and the sides were coated with greasy residue, making for a snug fit. I could distinctly make out Belding and that young Latino stud engaging Mr Powers in conversation. Something about getting ready for the ‘double dog with extra mayo’.
The next thing I heard was the crunch of something – probably a chair leg - contacting with Screech’s jaw. The assault and the little fag’s pained gurgling sent titillated quivers all over my hefty body, but it was the follow up of screams of terror and Belding’s mocking, high-pitched laugh that really got me going. Lubing my hands with the fryer oil, I started rampantly pleasuring myself, mingling my grunts of ecstasy with Screech’s continuing cries for help. The taunting and the sound of body on body continued relentlessly. I just had to take a peek…
I looked out just in time to see the virile Mexican fellow unleash a spectacular upward spray of diarrhea into Mr Powers’ face whilst Belding was near to splitting him in half with his elephantine thrusts from behind. This broke a seal of sorts for me and I began rolling around in my slimy lair with lusting energy, licking my own chest and letting out unrestrained groans.
After several more minutes, a crashing broke the air and everything was thrown into quietness. Then the two assailants chuckled and left the room, leaving Screech to sob iaway in a state of violated trauma. I climbed out of the hideaway and saw his scrawny form quivering on the floor. His zubaz and gaudy shirt were torn and his body was coated in a cocktail of bodily excretions. A wild grin spread uncontrollably across my face. I must have been panting with delight, because he looked up and saw me coming towards him – “No! NOOOO!” – but it was my turn now…
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:45 pm Post subject: Another 'Mr Tuttle's Journal'
Found another Tuttle memoir, from the Saved By The Bell: Summer in Style book that came out in '92.
Journal Entry 06/18/92
Another damn heat wave in California! Once again I had to coat my loins with wetwipes to soothe them from the sweltering air and friction burn of my ample thighs. Little did I know how much things would soon be heating up...
I ended my class early today because the heat was getting too much and I was feeling rather peckish - it had been a whole hour and a half since I finished that jumbo 'slaw burger! As I was packing my briefcase, I overheard young Mr Morris and Slater inviting Samuel Powers to the carnival. I immediately smelt licentious opportunities in the sultry air as Screech eagerly agreed to accompany his seeming friends. Pretending to go over some test papers, I waited for the students to leave and quickly followed them...
I tailed the trio into the carnival. I heard that handsome Zack Morris mention something about going to the game stalls and once again that naive, bush-headed tool concurred with enthusiasm. At this point I noticed how his pale, boney legs shone in the sun in those loose, zubaz shorts. I slowly wiped a trickle of drool from my chin and continued to track my quarry.
The young studs finally led Screech to the port-o-potties that were used by the smelly carnies. I heaved myself into a nearby dumpster, pulled down my sweat-soaked pants and grabbed myself a half-eaten cotton candy. "Let the show begin!" I thought joyously.
Screech had contorted his face in confusion. The muscular Slater asked if he wanted to play 'Lucky Dip'. He happily replied in the affirmative. At this point, Slater lifted him high in the air and dunked him head first in the filthiest looking commode on the premises. The sound of Screech bubbling away and the sight of his flailing, skinny legs immediately had me giving my groin a circular massage. When he finally pulled him out, Screech had two pieces of stool lodged in his eyes and was spluttering out a mixture of urine and filthy sanitation chemicals. I launched into full scale masturbation at this point and as ever there was more to come...
Mr Morris said he wanted to play "Test Your Strength" and claimed he would 'ding' Screech's bell. He followed this up by whacking Screech square in the genitals with a gangplank - looking on at the writhing, sobbing wretch I pounded furiously, my delighted laughter merging perfectly with the nearby screams of pleasure of the carnival-goers.
Slater then took charge, telling Screech he should check out the fairground's newest attraction 'The Deep Plunge' - pulling him up by his curly hair by one hand, he wrenched out his greasy, tanned member with the other. Leveling it to Screech's face, he declared "You must be this tall to ride!" and forced it deep into the pathetic whelp's stupid face. By this time I was rolling around in the dumpster uninhibited, covering myself in all manner of filth and garbage. The Mexican playboy climaxed, withdrawing to positively drench Screech's face with thick semen, which quickly crusted over in the heat. Mr Morris aimed a few kicks at the beaten Screech's kidneys and the two left, laughing and satisfied with their work.
I rolled out from my refuge, sticky and utterly stinking of waste in the early evening sun. Screech looked as though he was beginning to feel relieved that the ordeal was over. Than he looked up and saw me lurching onwards, my veiny member pointing decisively at his battered from. He clawed at the ground, his screams for help going no further than the two of us, screams that only fuelled my yearning. He was all mine...
Did Screech Have A Butt-Baby with Mr. Belding?
I heard an unsubstantiated rumor that Screech was impregnanted by Mr. Belding with a butt-baby after a round of sweaty unprotected butt-sex back in the gym locker room at Bayside High School. After this stressful ordeal, Screech supposed had his anal fallopian tubes tied. Has anyone else heard this rumor?
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