Friday, October 02, 2020

Dustin Diamond Blames His Problems in Life on The Jew-Fro He Wore on Saved By The Bell!

 Dustin Diamond is renowned for sporting a Jew-fro.  During Saved By The Bell: The New Class, he grew a Jew-fro of epic proportions and was known for having a Brillo-like 'fro, as shown in the following screen cap:

I recently discovered that Dustin Diamond has blamed his struggles as an adult on the Jew-fro he wore on Saved By The Bell!  Specifically, the following website about men's curly hairstyles recites the following:

Dustin Diamond ... once claimed that his crazy erratic behavior in adulthood was due to him having curly hair and having had to sport a Jewfro hairstyle throughout all seasons of “Saved By The Bell”.

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