Saturday, January 13, 2007
IMDB Message boards
There are many IMDB message boards which can be quite fun. Unfortunately, however, there is a racist black troll who posts under the name Interceptor3. He has admitted to being 40-years old and hates all whites, hispanics, asians, and other non-blacks. He works for the Los Angeles Board of Education. Despite being 40 years-old, he has the maturity of an 8-year old. He posts racist tripe and then complains to the admins whenever anyone responds to his posts. He is on his third login - the first two (one of which was Katana500) were deleted because so many people complained about his stupid posts.
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Katana-Interceptor3 fuckin' coon
I defecate upon your ugly smelly ape face!!!!
You were right, I'm proud to be a racist and I HAAAATE nigs of your kind !!!!
You are born to serve fuckin' slave and you can go ANYWHERE, you'll always be seen as a smelly coon
Actually my account haven't been deleted like your monkey mouth claims on every boards of IMDB, but only the utter of my posts have been deleted
Then they required to authentify my account to post again but I refused to give them my credit card or phone number so I deleted my account MYSELF since I couldn't use it anymore
Kurt I hope you'll make realise the admins that coon is more vicious than cholera
He's more racist than ANY of us and made me HATE nigs even worst
I'll miss the site but I leave you with that coon...
Kurt, Kiss Hardon, Rocco, and Deucer from me
Katana I urinate upon you, which can only clean your filthy body, you wild creature made of chittt
lna86, the girl that defecates upon nigs and IMDB admins that use HIV nig butts as a distraction...
Look at that horrible coon up there
Katana must enjoy screwing those kind of bonobos that smell shit
Not really enjoy since he burns to screw Whites, but he can't
no one is mad enuff
Fuckn'coon you will burn in hell
kurt, have you made verify your account with amazone or your credit card to be able to post when you registered again on imdb ?
Answer me on the Jeremy Miller page of your blog
I can give you my email to communicate if it doesn't appear on the blog
No, I never gave them a credit card number. I had an old login that I had signed up for awhile ago and hadn't used until the IMDB login rules were changed and account verification was required for new accounts.
I piiiiiiissssssssssss upon that coon of Katana "KING KOON" Interceptor3
He sent me numerous insulting PMs and continues to taunt me on boards
He's exactly like the nig stereotypes we see on series, nigs are the closest race to wild animals
You should sign up again. That Katana/Interceptor sure is an immautre piece of shit, isn't he?
They require a credit card number or a phone number to verify the account before posting on boards
I don't have a credit card and I don't want to give my phone number
Katana is the bigest piece of shit of IMDB and that coon must work in a cleaning service and lick shit all day long
I miss the site and my friends
That smelly nig set me a trap by reporting a funny post I made as an answer to his provocations
HE IS the stalker and his account is still valid
Give liberty to slaves and they make the law...
Nigs are the creation of the Dr Moreau : humanized apes, that's why we find them in all Islands of the world
Who are you from IMDB ?
Kurt please find something to make Katana's account deleted
Have you talked to other IMDB users about what that coon made to me ?
We need a massive Report abuse to that nig, maybe if many users do it with complains of harrassment it will work...
Katana is rapidly approaching middle age, but has not yet achieved his goals in life. Instead of looking within to determine the source of his discontent and failure, he attempts to deflect criticism by blaming his shortcomings on "racism" perpetrated by whites, hispanics, asians, and other non-blacks. He has no empirical evidence to surpport this allegation of "racism" other than the mere fact that his goals have not been achieved.
He becomes more and more angry and bitter every day. He takes out his frustrations on the IMDB message boards. In his warped view of the world, he considers himself to be "courageous" for writing many racist posts every day and also for requesting that hundreds of other posts with which he ideologically disagrees be deleted.
yo, i gots you imdb account deleted and shit muthafucka!!!!! yeah!!! i done hates whites and latinos. dey keep me down and shit. i gots ta be pimpin and shit!!!! they is jealous of ma bling!!!!!!!!
Katana500 is a pathetic nutjob. I would love to take a shit on his hair and force a shit down his throat. I know he would love it. The minute he started reading my about my sexual perversions it was love at first sight. When I refused his come-ons it sent him over the edge and now he hates all whites including Jews and Hispanics. He should thank the government that they create jobs for people like him!!
Katana fuckin'coon, you die motherfucker, don't insult me on IMDB if you don't want to be shipped back to Africa with yo yor brotha' in crime
You crime is to raise hell everywhere you go even only with your smell, you cooon !!!!!!
I defecate upon your Afro curls "KING KOON" which can only help you to smell better, dirty creature of the Island of the Dr Moreau.
Nigs enjoys incest like bonobos do cos it's a wild animal tradition and they learnt that on islands where they've been created...
Jewvebeenframed honey why don't you post anymore on IMDB ?
Do you have a new account ?
My other account is used with IMDBpro and I don't want to hand over my mobile phone number to create another account to post there. It's bullshit that a racist like Katana is allowed to post freely there but brave homo warriors are banned on sight! I'm thinking of starting a law-suit against Amazon for their blatant homophobia!!
Here are two private messages that the extreme racist Interceptor3/Katana500 sent to me. These are verbatim and have not been editted or otherwise modified in any way:
by - interceptor3 on Mon Jun 18 2007 12:34:56
You truly are mentally ill, Kurtwood! Typical of bigoted White, Archie Bunkeresque haters. Whiteys are the perpetrators of hate in this country. Always have been, always will be. You know it."
by - interceptor3 on Mon Jun 18 2007 12:08:16
White folks are the MOST racist people in the history of the planet, though, in this country, you've taught your poison to numerous other groups."
by - interceptor3 on Fri Jun 1 2007 14:38:00
At 40, I'm sure I look better than the pasty pruneface you'll become, or perhaps already are."
That Katana-Interceptor is truly a racist stalker, here are some of the PMs he sent me on Imdb :
by - interceptor3 on Mon Jun 18 2007 11:55:03
This "coon" would enjoy pissing on your pasty, ugly face!
lna : I really don't get which "coon" he refers...
and another one :
by - interceptor3 on Mon Jun 18 2007 17:39:52
You'd better wise up, Miss Stringy-Hair!
He must be proud of his Afro curls
He also felt attracted by my "Dr Moreau" thread cos he came there to insult me, insisting after many deletions...
Apes are in his genes and he has a natural strong wish to climb on trees to screw them and defecate upon humans showin'us his nig asshole in activity...
Katana normally accesses the Internet via an IP address assigned to the Los Angeles Board of Education. He has accessed the Interent from this IP address in the past:
Katana has admitted to being at least 40 years old. In one post he wrote:
"Re: LOL...I saw this movie at the store. Never heard of it.
by interceptor3 (Tue May 8 2007 17:00:05) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
UPDATED Tue May 8 2007 17:02:18
I first learned of cable TV in late '78, when I was in middle school. The health teacher told us about this 'wondrous invention' called cable television which had no commercials and ran theatrical films uncut! I remember thinking, could such a thing exist? LOL! Anyhow, we didn't get it until the summer of '83, though by then, many of my neighbors had already hooked up. I recall the channel switcher box, which was attached to the set by a long cord, so you could keep it on the sofa next to where you sat. In those days, digital setups didn't exist, so we only had maybe thirty channels, but we did have HBO, Cinemax, and The Movie Channel. I 'discovered' THE GODFATHER and THE BETSY in 1984 in HBO airings. When we got our first VCR in January '84, I quickly learned to program recordings, including my mom's soap operas. "
Katan/Interceptor3 is gay and admits to wanting to hook up with chubby guys. See:
by interceptor3 (Wed May 9 2007 22:45:31) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
Personally, I'd rather see Nic Nac or Jerry Ferrara without clothes. "
katana is pathetic. He really is butthurt over stupid shit people post on IMDB. I really do believe he is turned on by our love of people like Dustin, Mike O and Chris Burke and wishes he was younger and still able to get it up so he could join in. But because he is a frail old man he just sits at his computer whacking off and feeling bitter.
Kurt, you could report him for abuse to his network administrator using a whois lookup, especially if he is sending crap like that as comments on your blog. I'm pretty certain the government would frown upon an employee using an internet connection paid for by the taxpayer to spout their racist drivel.
Jewvebeenframed, Katana/Interceptor3 send those private messages to me on IMDB. He has also sent racist private messages to LNA86 and probably also to many others.
He lives in a fantasy world and is incapable of separating the Internet from reality.
Koona still stalks me with PMs on imdb, here is the last one, that stupid coon can't even realize he's the true animal :
by - interceptor3 on Thu Jul 5 2007 17:00:49
When nutcases print hate, it gets deleted. Obviously, you don't learn from your mistakes. Perhaps you are the true animal.
The racist stalker Katana/Interceptor3 sent me this PM:
by - interceptor3 on Thu Jul 5 2007 00:09:46
Spent the afternoon on the Venice Boardwalk, checking out the beautiful boys in their sagging shorts. Saw virtually no bums, so I assume you and your pervy comrades stayed home, beatin' off to Dusty pinups."
Katana/Interceptor also sent me this one regarding LNA:
by - interceptor3 on Thu Jul 5 2007 17:05:52
Never mind...the bitch's rant was deleted."
Katana/Interceptor3 wrote this about actor Christian Calson:
by interceptor3 3 hours ago (Mon Jul 9 2007 17:33:05)
Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply
I knew Chris when we were at Antioch together, and he did NOT graduate, despite what it says here. He dropped out."
I received this typically angry PM from Katana500/Interceptor3. As usual, this PM was racist overtones:
by - interceptor3 on Tue Jul 10 2007 13:40:21
Tell jewve-been-framed I'm ecstatic that he was deleted, as cowardly, hypocritical Jewish racists should be. Anytime he wants to take me on again on these boards, please try. And Christian Calson is NOT an actor, stupid! "
Here's another PM from Katana500/Interceptor3 that I just received:
by - interceptor3 on Tue Jul 10 2007 15:19:45
You don't know sh*t about Antioch, my friend. Go jack off to Dusty's workout tape. Lord knows you have nothing better to do. Tell lna she's dangerously close to deletion."
Katana500/Interceptor3 sent me another racist PM:
by - interceptor3 on Tue Jul 10 2007 20:25:21
White folks like yourself are responsible for the racial situation in this country, and simply refuse to accept it. Until you do, the problems will continue. As you probably hope they do, as long as you people come out on top. As for Mexicans, they would get a lot further in this country if they wised up and realized you keep them down as well. I expect to see this 'private' message on your sicko racist website very soon, asswipe."
Maybe if he was having sex regularly he wouldn't spend so much time at work trawling the IMDB for racisms and other gay men to sexually harass online. I wonder why he is obsessed with my "Jewish heritage"? Probably because Jews, regardless of being persecuted for a lot longer than black people, are willing to work hard and put the effort into being successful people with influence all over the world, while people like Katana spend their whole lives using their skin colour as a shield for their own failings. Grow up, but not too much you're at death's door already, Oldman!! LOL OWNED ^_^
I received another racist PM from Katana500/Interceptor3:
by - interceptor3 on Thu Jul 12 2007 13:51:13
Tell that nutcase racist - with the deleted account - Jewvebeenframed that my most fervent wish is that he lived in 1940s Germany. His hypocritical ass would be smoked! "
I think I would look rather fetching in a brown shirt, I'm glad that Katana thinks so too. -_^
That racist piece of shit, Katana500/Interceptor3, visited this blog at least three different times today! He's been accessing this blog several times a day for some time now.
I guess he hates the fact that his blatant racism is being exposed! Man, he sure is a 40+ year-old loser. That stalker wishes he could delete all of the posts about him like he does on IMDB.
Katana enjoys using IMDB to express his real homoerotic fantasies about men:
"Re: Who thinks Iranians are cute ?
by interceptor3 44 minutes ago (Tue Jul 17 2007 11:54:42) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
I do. I recall my friend Peyman from high school. Cute, with nice buns! Don't you feel the same way, Helena? "
"Re: Who thinks Iranians are cute ?
by interceptor3 29 minutes ago (Tue Jul 17 2007 12:09:44) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
Helena, if you'll give me your number, I could track down Peyman and have him ring you. I picture you two strolling along the Seine in the moonlight. romantic! "
Katana/Interceptor3 sure is upset that his racist and hurtful private messages and other misc. IMDB messages are being posted here for all to see. Now he claims that I am racist beause I posted here what HE WROTE!
This is his latest angry private message:
by - interceptor3 on Tue Jul 17 2007 12:17:05
Actually, your "blog" only serves to expose the racism of your sleazebag scummy friends. I pity you all, and remind you to keep your racism off Imdb. 'Nuff said! "
It's only a matter of time until someone figures out the real-life identity of Katana500/Interceptor3. I know this much about him:
(1) He is around 40 years old, and possibly slightly older;
(2) He works for the Los Angeles Board of Education or within the Los Angeles Unified School District;
(3) He attended Antioch University, most likely on a campus other than the one in Los Angeles;
(4) He is gay and is apparently attracted to chubby guys;
(5) He lives in a suburb of Los Angeles;
(6) He has deep-seeded insecurities and enjoys lashing out at other people in anonymous Internet forums; and
(7) He harbors serious prejudices against Whites, Hispanics, and other non-blacks.
Someone must know the real name of this guy. Perhaps someone will post the real name of Katana500/Interceptor3 in a comment to this blog post?
That psychopath, Katana500/Interceptor3, is under the impression that everyone who posts things on the substantially anonymous IMDB message boards thinks exactly what they write. He doesn't realize that many of the posts are inflammatory or made in jest.
Here's the latest obnoxious and irrational private message he sent me:
by - interceptor3 on Sun Jul 22 2007 17:48:33
And you betray your morally bankrupt hypocrisy by cozying up to a woman who says Jews can't be trusted, Asians have "alien faces", Blacks are "ugly", and Muslims are "filthy". God knows who else the bitch hates! I don't suppose you'd care to repeat her anti-Semitism to jewvebeenframed? Didn't think so. You're not really his friend. Everyone realizes what a phony you are, Kurtwood. You and Sheena truly deserve each other. You'll get no respect from me."
What a nutjob! That loser lives his entire pathetic life through the IMDB message boards. That is why he posts 20-30 messages a day over there. Can you say "no life"?
Here's my newest harassing private message from Katana500/Interceptor3
by - interceptor3 on Sun Jul 22 2007 18:59:15
Whoever Sheena is - or isn't - I delight in getting that 'person's' posts removed. "
Here's the latest racist private message that Katana500/Interceptor3 sent me on IMDB. He sure does hate whites and other non-blacks. Man, does he have issues. It's frightening that someone as racist as him works in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
by - interceptor3 on Mon Jul 23 2007 12:47:01
There may not be many Whites in White Power organizations, but there are plenty who sympathize with this trash.
White Americans have been racist since this nation's inception, and will continue to be during your lifetime. They've oppressed Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Native Americans, gay people of all races, etc. Slavery, housing discrimination, deportations, genocide, homophobia, what else?
White Americans deliberately push Blacks away from jobs and housing, then try to pretend that they don't want to work. They don't support affirmative action, but accept illegal immigration. Of course, the main beneficiaries of workplace AA are WHITE women, like your Mom. "
Here's another private message from Katana500/Interceptor3. It's ironic that he's always making unfounded allegations of racism against other people on IMDB and then he goes and send me this tripe:
by - interceptor3 on Mon Jul 23 2007 14:08:22
Why are 30% of welfare recipients White?
Why do you pasties try so hard to get tans?
Good luck trying to find me, asswipe! "
I asked that nig stalker to stop from harassing me and he sent me a PM asking me to remove all my comments from this blog advising me to stop from telling racist comments on IMDB if I wanted to be left alone...
He's happy when he makes posts deleted cos it gives him a certain power feeling to compensate for his inferiority syndrom
That coon takes himself for a black dispenser of justice in a virtual world of internet where we can't distinguish blacks from the others...
Why are 30% of welfare recipients White?
Maybe they're white people with tans that the "Man" has mistaken for black?
Interceptor-Koona, the fucking nig creature of the Dr Moreau Is going more and more wild
The creature needs to be caged now, he stalks me more than ever and write strange things
He stalks me with NUMEROUS PMs
Here is the latest :
by - interceptor3 on Wed Jul 25 2007 12:21:36
Are you going to plow Kurt with a strap-on? That would be more fun to watch than Dusty's sex tape!
lna 86
Jewvebeenframed, that coon will hear from him soon...
Katana/Interceptor3 wrote this on the "Noah's Ark" IMDB message boards:
" Re: Cancelled
by interceptor3 26 minutes ago (Tue Jul 31 2007 14:45:21) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
I've also heard through the grapevine that the program is finished. I never thought much of it, but there are no other Black gay shows around, so I'm sorry to see it fold. "
Katana, I adviced you to leave me alone
If you continue to report everything I post just to have fun, you'll have your profile page made that all you friends will be able to see
If we do it you will learn what the word "fun" means actually
That spook of Katana will soon have his profile page done with his identity revealed
Here's a post by the racist Katana/Interceptor3 where he attacks a white person who posts on IMDB:
"Re: As a straight guy...
by interceptor3 2 minutes ago (Mon Aug 6 2007 14:06:28) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
Instead of an ugly pastyface? "
Katana/Interceptor3 sure does hate white people. Imagine what would happen to him if the Los Angeles Unified School District discovered that one of its employees harbors such deep prejudices?
That fuckin' spook sent me that :
by - interceptor3 on Mon Aug 6 2007 15:15:06
Go suck on some frog's legs, while you dream about Kurt_Stein's boeuf stick!
That smelly coon should know nigs are closer to apes than humans
Katana/Interceptor3 just sent me this racist private message:
by - interceptor3 on Wed Aug 8 2007 16:58:22
Actually there is considerable evidence that AIDS may have evolved from scientific experiments conducted by White scientists. Even if it didn't, the famous Patient Zero, who may have introduced the virus to America, was a White homosexual"
I've also heard that story
Some French nigs claimed that Jews invented that virus to eliminate black people after having stolen their riches and used them as slaves...
Katana/Interceptor3 now claims that white people invented beastiality! Is there no end to his racism and hatred of white people?
This is the private message he sent me on IMDB:
by - interceptor3 on Wed Aug 8 2007 23:03:35
Whiteys invented bestiality, my friend. Those farm boy ancestors of yours! But if you really wanna learn about AIDS, talk to your pervy chums like Hardon, Jewve, and Rocco Buttafuoco. They could give you an education, "straight" boy!
That spook sent me that :
by - interceptor3 on Fri Aug 10 2007 12:23:17
A White French whore who wishes she was Bardot, but is probably too ugly.
Katana, smelly coon, I screw you !!!!
When the apes screw your HIV infested butt in your tree, be nice with them and give them some vaseline, you horrible creature of the Dr Moreau !!!
That coon of Katana racks up deletions, maybe his HIV infested butt attracts no more the admins
The spook is no more protected for having had unprotected sex with them, giving them the virus and all his nig infections...
After having had his entire posting history deleted, Katana-Interceptor3, who was stupid enough to think changing his ID to 'Greatoceanroad' will make us lose his trace, was so upset that he sent me that :
by - greatoceanroad on Sun Aug 12 2007 21:15:57
Your posts on Kurt's "website" get funnier and funnier! A nut like yourself could only live in the catacombs underneath Paris...with the human skulls!
That spook thinks there are internet connections from the catacombs just because he posts himself from a tree...
French humor :
After the death of his husband, a woman who enjoyed blow jobs so bad, cut his cock and stuck it on her wall so that to be able to continue her favourite hobby every night...
One day the neighbour noticed that from the other side of the wall by a little crack...
He waited a day when the girl was out and stepped into her appartment by the open window from his that was just next...
Then he made a hole in the wall behind the cock so that to be able to replace the dead cock at the right moment by plugging his tool in the hole to be blow jobed instead, from the other side of the wall..
The trick worked perfectly every night...
One day the neighbour brought home a nig friend of his that was too ugly to have sex, proposing to get benefit of his stratagem
The nig plugged his cock in the hole when his mate told it was the time, but when she saw it, the girl shouted : "Oh shit ! it has rotten !!!"
Then she pulled it strongly...
That spook stalker of Katana comes here everyday and then sends me PMs to talk about it and insult me
He even have linked that page from his profile page with some comments...
Actually he's obsessed by all that revolves around Kurt's life (his new ID confirms that) cos he burns to belong to the white gay community....
He wish he could change his race like he changes his login names, a French humorist once said :
"everybody is equal, blacks uglies and dwarfs and even ugly black dwarfs, what is really hard for them"
Katana must be in that case...
We offer necessary perfume sticks for 2 nigs bought
Take care with their HIV butt and other nig illness, buy a dog if you wanna do that, you slave owners
Slaves serve better if you give them shit to eat, they love it
Katana, I think you're too stupid to realize that your stalking game has ruined our site as much for us as for yourself...
Instead of reporting and harassing us, you could be free to post anything you want, so do us
Everybody has to win, think twice about it if your brain still enables you to do so...
Katana/Interceptor3 now posts on the website as "Thomas O'Malley." Is that his real name, or just another alias?
ok da joke be over and shit. leave me alone. i can't help the fact dat i iz a dumb NIGGER!!! i wuz born with an iq of 39, and dat makes me da smartest one in ma family. my daddy wuz born in da Ape House at da zoo. he excaped and bred wiff my motha and den killed someone to get money fo crack. da polices arrested him and he wuz exceuted.
i iz a dumb spade!!! niggers like me commits lots o' crime and shiit muthafucka!!!!!!!! i iz so lazy and i gots ta get ma welfare checks so dat i can go buy me some grape soda and cheetos. man i loves ta steal and shit. i wuz only borned with an iq of 39 do i gots ta steal to git by. work is fo chumps. i drives me a 1979 pinto. it iz purple and rusty as shit. i burned a hole in da seat da otha dey when i dropped ma lit crack pipe.
i loves to swim in da ocean from time to time. i iz as dark as night and da sharks leave me alone 'cuz they confuse me wit whale shit! ma ha ha!!! i done made a funny!!
i gots ta suck off mr. screech. smelly niggers like me luv ta suck da jew cock. shiiiitt! i gots ta cumm!!!!!!! i would luv it fo OJ simpson and johnny cochrane to tag team me whiles i suck on Screechie's cock!!!!!!!!!!
Katana, smelly spook, FYI jews never plug their tool in nigs butt cos they think nigs are not Kosher...
Katana must serve Arabs like all nigs do
Arabs only allow nigs in their house to serve them cos they're sure their wives won't be interested to have sex with those smelly creatures...
I still don't see my comment of yesterday when I said Arabs enjoyed nig slaves to serve in their houses cos they were sure their wives wouldn't even take a look at those smelly animals, them who are always scared their ugly wives could have sex with another man...
Kurt, if you give me your birthday, I'll send you a nig slave shipped in a cage
There are too many in my country and they serve like no one else...
yo, i iz one dumb fucking nigger! i smellz like shit and eat out o' da garbage can. i gots ma job in da Los Angeles school system becuz dey needs to hire dumb spades like me ta meets da quota. shit, iz is also a fagget and likes da suck cock at da gloryhole in south central Los Angeles.
That jungle bunny continues to stalk me on Imdb and to report my posts
What a pervert !!!!!!!!
The cage from where he posts must be to small now, maybe a male gorilla as a company could quiten him...
Yo ! Screw ya lna !!!
I'm proud to be a smelly gorilla
My smell is my best weapon against pasty slut like ya !
When I fart it's paradise, everybody run away and I'm the king
Niggers will make the law someday
Yeah homeboys, me and my brotha' will dominate the world by all blasting together, it's stronga than any nuclear weapon cos White dude like you are not made to stand up to the smell, our natural smell is a just a warning of how smelly we are
yo yo ! I'm happy to be a nigga'
i iz a jive ass nigger!!! i hates whiteys. dey be mean to me and locks me up when i commits da crime. da otha dey, i wuz smokin crack in da lockerroom at da school where i teaches. i wuz complaining about whitey and dat French whore lna. da policeman cames and arrested me and throws me in da jail. da school done found out. lucky fo me, dere is a quota of jungle bunnies so my job iz safe and shit!!!!!!!!!
Novioboy you really talk like a wild ape come straight from the bronx
I have to say I've always wanted to be White when I saw white cuties on my TV having in mind none of them would never ever screw my nig ass, and mourning on my race
That's why I left the bronx to learn grammar perfectly, cos this is all I can have equal to your superior race
I'm a nig and I screw you Kurt and lna
Novioboy, fuckin' spook, nig of my ass, buy some Kinerase lightener to feel better in your sick mind
Don't be ashamed, many nigs do that and openly claim they refuse their dark condition...
No way, pasty bitch !
I'm prouda' my color and my smell
I'm a nig and adore to smell like shit and to use it as a weapon against white bitches like you and Kurt.
I also use my skin color as an excuse for all my failures cos you're all racist nutties.
I'm a nig and I screw all pasty morons !!!!
Novioboy, you're really mad
Everybody can read the craps you post here to see you're the sick one that needs help
Many people sent me PMs to tell me you had a serious mental illness
We were right lna that jungle bunny is really sick reading all that
What a psycho !
He's sicker than you think.
That spook created himself a fantazy world where he describes nigs as a supreme race, as a therapy of his inferior feelings.
Who are you from Imdb ?
Kurt Stein,
I have to say I wanted first to sue you to have that blog about me closed but since it rather revolves around a stupid racist nig that spread craps and hate on Imdb under different names, I will let you continue.
It's really fun when it gets right down to it !
That spear-chucker Katana has pissed off many people on IMDB with his racist posts. He hates being black and is insanely jealous of all non-blacks. He probably wishes he could lighten his skin like Michael Jackson so that he could try to pass himself off as white. He must get so upset when he looks in the mirror and sees a black face looking back at him. Man, that fruit has issues!
Well dudes, my ship awaits I burn to take on board the nig you're talkin' about to deliver it in Europe with a few others and sell them a good price to that French bitch
I guess she needs a slave in her hairdressing salon and that spear-chucker fag from Imdb will suit perfectly, amusing the customers at the same time if we plug him a pink feather in the ass like French people enjoy to see in Parisian Cabarets.
Captain cracker, are you the guy that sent me PMs on IMDB ?
I'm not interested in givin' that much money for a spook
We have enuff nigs in my country it's an infection, France is polutted enuff, please don't bring those wild animals in my territory, sell them as slaves to the Asians, Katana absolutely loves them
That way he will end in a sushi
katana now posts as PuntoTres - .
that racist nig sure does hate whites and everyone else who isn't black! what a piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!
That spook found a new friend that goes by the name of Gwensabitch
Those nigs really goes together well when it comes to take people in sandwich to harrass them
Katana you REALLY need to see a doctor
is that smelly nig Katana-PuntoTres infected with the 'gay plague'?
PuntoTres smelly coon let Gwensabitch be my Tom and mind your own business
Unlike you he's a good nig that accepts White Supremacy
yo, you gots to remove this post and shit already, muthafucka!!!!!! shit, i done already tolds you dat i took an IQ test and scored a 39. dat makes me da smartest black in da history of da world. i is almost as smart as retarded peoples!
The racist Katana sent me this psychopathic PM from his losMomios account ( ) :
by - losMomios on Sun Jan 20 2008 14:04:52
Congratulations, Flaming Gay Fan! You are the proud LOSER of two posts! How exciting! To cap off an already perfect day, why not have Hardon and Deucer stop by to watch Wilmer Valderrama sit his chunky brown buns on your face? Oh, make sure there's a pillow between your head and the floor!
Katana sure is a crazy racist! He ought to be locked up!
PuntoTres, formerly Katana-Novioboy, continues to stalk me on IMDB with his racist posts and anti-Whites insulting PMs
He claims Whites are inferior to Blacks in everything
Here is the last PM of that racist loser :
by - PuntoTres on Mon Jan 21 2008 23:29:43
Whites tan their skin because they feel sexually INFERIOR to duskier peoples, including Blacks, Polynesians, Latinos, etc.
hey dudes, i saw this post from Katana-PuntoTres on IMDB where he admits being sexually attracted to fat men:
Re: Uncle Tom
by PuntoTres 3 days ago (Sat Jan 19 2008 11:40:27)
I'm not sure what you're "worried" about. I do have a fondness for young or youngish overweight - within reason - males. ...
PuntoTres smelly coon, are YOU planning to get Gwensabitch's tool in your ass?
Let him know before about all the HIV juice you've taken deep inside so far
KatanaTres there's no way you've made me leave IMDB !
I screw you smelly nig. You're the racist one, you're the one that needs help
Look what you've done to LNA ! That person was funny and she rarely makes us chuckle anymore with her funny threads
Nig fags always have mental troubles anyway !
Well well dudes, that's enuff !!!!! my ship awaits !!!
Captain cracker the best slave trader in the world is coming to check the merchandise Punto nigga Tres 4 da price of one HA !! HA !!!!
If Gwenslavebitch is around, I'd like to see him as well
Asians always give me a good price for that stuff that plays Uncle Tom cos those Aliens believe that American-made slaves are better quality since they saw the Fresh slave of Bel-Air (ah, advertising...)
Once I even sold them American sushis for 5000$ HA ! HA !!! HA !!!!!!!!!
Captain cracker slaves serve and obey like no others ! GUARANTEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well well dudes, my ship is about to sail to the new world!!! i designed the ship to fit a hundred slaves like that nig of katana tres!! i shall make it across the ocean in six weeks. i use some of the nigs as fuel for my ship to make the safe voyage. my slaves will be weakened when i arrive in the slave port in atlanta and i will offer a 4 for 1 deal to the first bidder at the auction.
look for me Captain cracker the best slave trader in the world!!!
Yo yo screw ya Captain my ass !!!
I'm a nig and I'm proud to look like an ape and smell like shit
It's not a pasty moron like you that will make me serve crackers !!!
good luck to catch me, we're not called jungle bunnies for nothing, we've learnt to run fast
Gouloung Galongah Fodayé sintoukabé koloko fingelah glinga glinga !!!!!!
yo, how it be? yo gots ta lay off me. aw shiiiitttt! listen up, i iz scared about AIDS and shit mutafucka! 4% of negros between 40-49 in da U.S. iz infected.
that be ma age range and i iz scared. i just git so turned on when i iz at da rest stop and smell people takin a shit and i gots ta have sex with dem!!!!!
PuntoTres shut the hell up racist negro, Captain Cracker is not me
Buy some Kinerase lightener to feel better with your inferior syndrom instead of harrassing me
hey everyone, i just heard about this blog. that nig of katana tres is fuckin' coon!! i shit on his smelly ape face!!! i read the IMDB boards and see the racist craps his posts. that smelly simian should go live in the ape house at the zoo!!
Dudes, my ship is setting sail! I added a second ship due to the high demand for my nig slaves.
I sell slaves that look like bonobos and smell like shit but are good at picking cotton. When I arrive to the Atlanta area, I will offer discount on first few slaves like that nig Katana tres. Buy the first one, get two more nigs free. If you put them out in the cotton fields for long enough, they will pay for themselves!!!
Hey Captain ! I'm deeply interested in your special offer if you pass by my island. I'm experimenting on wild animals and nigs suit perfectly because they can work as slaves at the same time. The problem is that my black panther is a racist and my lion is allergic to their awful smell, but whatever...I'll cage them apart with a color TV (Blackie, my panther, absolutely adores the Pink Panther).
I know nigs because I created them a long time ago from apes, but I had to stop since the day the AFPI (Apes Federation of the Pacific Islands) sued me for animal rights violations. However, because jungle bunnies reproduce themselves like.........bunnies, it's no big deal. We can find some anywhere on the planet like bananas, and I know how to be obeyed by my creation even better than those lazy protected monkeys influenced by the Cosby Show.
Captain cracker, if you ship me the merchandise soon, I'll be nice and I'll give you the formula to turn nigs back to apes because I know that on the rest of the world you have the opposite problem with protected wild nigs that make the law, unless if you think it's not a good thing for your business.
I am proud to be a nig and smell like shit! I hate Kurt and that French whore LNA! Here is a recent picture of me:
Well well dudes I'm fuckin' upset, as I've been had by that Parisian hairdresser LNA !!!! That bitch made me travel to Europe and then tried to rip me off! She wanted to negotiate even more off my special offer arguing about the quality of my slaves. (FYI, I can confirm she's really a jew and she looks like a tart!)
Dr Moreau, I'll get to you soon but don't try to screw me like that slut or I'll be experimenting a new sex on you in your own laboratory!!! Get it?
My merchandise is top choice quality. The best way to check it is to smell it - OH DUDES !!!!! It's not fake !!! HAAAAAAA !!!!! HA !!! HA !!!!!
I didn't know that Wacko Punto was a fag, he tried to screw Jacko my beloved parrot and plugged one of his feathers in the ass to seduce LNA when she refused the deal. I screw French people - they're all swindlers and liars!!! I screw fags and I screw nigs !!!! (Uh, in a certain way...) HA !!!! HA !!!! HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr Moreau, put some apes aside for me instead of your fuckin' formula, I screw the AFPI !!!!!!!!!!!! I'll ship some apes to my faithful Asians that buy everything without opening their rotten soya infested mouth HA!! HA!!! They'll be happy to cook them in their food HA !!! HA!!!! HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Dudes, I have to say that I was about to sell Officer Hottie to my faithful stupid Asians. However, Officer Hottie is such a good Uncle Tom that I finally decided to keep him and hire him as a second hand on my ship.
I gave him a uniform of an Officer and he swore to serve the White men selling all of his brothaaaaaaaaaas , even Katanas las travestas HA! HA !!! HAAAAAA !!!!!!!
I took a picture if you want to see him :
PuntoTres is a funkin' spade! I invented the nig race on my island years ago by slightly modifying the DNA of apes.
Punto is an ancestor of the nigs I invented, but he needs to be shocked into submission!!!
The racist Katana/Interceptor3/PuntoTres used to work in a public library according to this post he wrote on IMDB:
Re: a very nice lady
by PuntoTres (Mon Oct 29 2007 17:10:54)
I've never met Nancy, but I did know her ex-husband - Tommy Lee Wallace- and two daughters back in '99-'00 when I worked in a public library close to where they lived. They were all quite nice. I think Tommy was preparing to shoot a vampire film in Mexico at the time.
someone needs to release me from Captain Cracker's slave ship. i am too lazy to do the work of a slave on a plantation!!!! i want to stay in the jungle with my wild ape family!!!! i smell like shit and am unfit for civilized life!!!!!!! i hate that french bitch LNA and kurt!!! they should have left me in the jungle to eat crocodiles and lions!!!!!!!
Well, well, well dudes, I'm about to anchor close to the Bronx to catch some jungle bunnies, as I've been paid a lot by the council to clear the coons of the district HA !!! HA !!!! HA !!!!
OOOOH! DUUUUUUUUUUUUDES!!!!!!! There's lots of merchandise there !!!!!!! I've been paid to catch them and I'll be paid again when I sell them. I've always told my cousin Captain Hustler, the pirate, that coal was better than gold! HA!!! HA!! HA!!!!!
Those specimens with the black sunglasses and the gangsta attitude really amuse me! HA!! HA!!! HAAA!!!!! I will offer their bling bling to Hustler as a consolation HA!! HA! HA!!!!!
Those wild creatures will surrender to Captain Cracker with the help of King Koon the Gorilla and Bowack the wack Boa, my new mates created by the Dr. Moreau to help me in my job. You can TRUST ME!!!! HA! HA!!! HA!!!
That merchandise just needs a good Kärcher with pure bleach to be sold like fresh fish, and a castration, that way I'll have meat balls to sell to my faithful Asians in addition of those slaves! HA!!! HA!! HA!!!!!
Katana-PuntoTres sent me this racist private message on IMDB:
by - PuntoTres on Thu Feb 7 2008 23:54:00
That's right, peckerwoods typically stir up violence at Spring Break parties, rock concerts, and soccer matches...important events like that, where you show your true animalistic nature, the remnants of your cave-dwelling European heritage.
yo, how it be? i done smell like a pile of gorilla shit! i iz also the same color as shit! i iz a raging faggot! even though i hates whiteys and mexicans, i likes ta toss they salads and let dem fuck me in da ass!!! my moms hates me since she walked in on me in a gay orgy! she doesn'ts undastand my love of otha sexy mens! i luvs me a mouth full o' semens!!!!
how it be? PuntoTres is in da house, biatches!!!!!!!!!!!! i iz obsessed wit dat french bitch lna and kurt. dey calls me a racist when i complains about how much i hates whiteys and why whiteys is responsible for my unhappy life. i iz gay and have many STDs and whiteys is to blame fo dat!!! dey gots ta pay up to a brotha!!!!
Katana/PuntoTres sent me this racist private message. He sure does hate white people:
by - PuntoTres on Mon Feb 11 2008 11:35:55
You know why Whiteys get tans? They feel sexually inferior to non-White peoples.
Well, well, well dudes! I made a blog to advertise my slaves like that nig katana tres from IMDB!!!!!!! Be the first in line at the port near Atlanta to get the best deal on my product!
The racist stalker Katana/PuntoTres is back. He sure does hate white people and blames them for all of the problems in his life, including his homosexuality! What a loser!!
The racist Katana/PuntoTres sent me a private message from his account with the current login name "KurtThePegboy ." He obviously chose that login name because of his obsession with me!
This is the private message he sent me. Note that this racist stalker actually propositioned me.
by - KurtThePegboy on Thu May 22 2008 00:21:13
Kurt, let's you and I console David A. together! We'll get a room at the Coral Sands Motel, and party ALL night, if you know what I! You can bend Davey over and toss his salad...You know you want to! Then, I'll bend YOU over, but not for salad.
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